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              he KZN South Coast is     “The Dezzi Raceway has a    ■   21 May: KZN Drags
              an adventure activity   long history of hosting some of   ■   11 June: KZN Road Racing
        Thub, home to some of the     the most exciting, high-octane     Club
        country’s best hiking, biking   races and it’s really wonderful   ■   16 to 19 June: Supertech/
        and 4x4 trails. But beyond    that we’re able to welcome
        that, the Paradise of the Zulu   spectators back for race days,     Drags
        Kingdom also happens to       which are held almost every     In addition to Dezzi Raceway,
        have the only Motorsport      weekend. Visitors can even    the KZN South Coast welcomes
        South Africa (MSA)-approved   hire out the raceway for      biking and 4x4 enthusiasts to
        racing track in the province –   their own competitive racing   its many hinterland locations.
        Dezzi Raceway.                adventure which is a real bucket   The KwaNzimakwe Multi-
                                      list experience.”             Trails, launched in 2019, is one
           Located in Port Shepstone,
        Dezzi Raceway consists of a     Started by the Gutziet family   such destination, providing
        2.4km purpose-built racing    at Dezzi Equipment, Dezzi     those looking to explore the
        circuit that hosts adrenaline-  Raceway has been developed   coastal forests with a range of
        fuelled motorsport and        for motorbike, car and drifting   trails from 4km to 22km in
        drifting events. With         events. It’s also hired out as   length. The KZN South Coast   Dezzi Raceway, image supplied by USCT
        spectators welcomed back to   a corporate venue for vehicle   has played host to national bike
        motorsport events late last year,  testing and exhilarating   festivals and attracts regular
        Dezzi Raceway has an action-  teambuilding events. Dezzi    breakfast run visitors keen
        packed 2022 competition       Raceway consists of two sets of   to stop at seaside locations
        calendar planned to make up   open pits, one lock-up pit, an   boasting great food, great views
        for lost time!                aeroplane hangar, viewing decks   and great company. 
                                      and banks, marshalling towers,
           “Whether you’re visiting the
        KZN South Coast for a relaxed   hospitality zones, a timing    For a full list of motorsports’ events,
                                      office, briefing room and a large
        seaside holiday with the family,                            download the free ‘Explore KZN South
        to explore the hinterland and   entertainment area.         Coast’ app from Google Play and Apple
        discover our agri-CULTURE     Dezzi Raceway Upcoming Events  stores, or visit www.visitkznsouthcoast.
        sites, or for fast-speed                           Alternatively, check out ‘South
        motorsport events that really   ■   9 April: Historic Tour  Coast Tourism’ on Facebook or
        get the heart pumping, there   ■   16 April: KZN Drags      YouTube, @infosouthcoast on Twitter
        is something to keep everyone   ■   23 April: KZN RRC       or Instagram, or ‘Info Ugu South Coast
        happy!” said Phelisa Mangcu,   ■   28 to 30 April: Bike Week  Tourism’ on LinkedIn. Follow the
        CEO of Ugu South Coast                                      hashtags #outdoorsarein #extendyourstay   Ubumbano Homestead, image supplied by USCT
        Tourism (USCT).               ■   14 May: KZN Road Racing Club  #beautifulbeaches #kznsouthcoast.



               beco Tanks – the world’s  2021, Aspen Pharmacare –   steel components are hot-dip
               first bank for the     Africa’s largest pharmaceutical   galvanised to never rust and
        Abusiness of water – are      manufacturer – was granted    use the latest in tank corrosion
        no strangers to the reality that   the rights to make up 300   protection. Once the water
        water is both an essential life-  million doses of the vaccine in   has been collected it then goes
        saving force and a commodity   2022. With plans to increase   through one of two processes.
        that needs to be saved for times   that to more than 700 million
        of scarcity. But did you know   by January 2023. However,    Filtered water is essential
        that water and its ability to be   there has been prolonged   and is processed through
        stored in large water banks   drought and water shortage    reverse osmosis to filter out
        is already saving millions of   in Port Elizabeth in the    all impurities. Treated water
        African lives?                Eastern Cape where the Aspen   on the other hand has been
          This is because water is    Pharmacare manufacturing      chemically altered to be the
                                                                    correct balance and ph. The
        essential to the manufacturing   plants are based.          tanks are only one part of
        process of the Covid 19        Together with Zutari as the   the larger water treatment
        vaccine. In collaboration with   consultant on the project and
        Zutari and Hidro-Tech, Abeco   Hidro-Tech as the contractor,   process. They store, filter and
        helped install two immense    Abeco set about installing    treat the water before they use
        tanks on the site of the Aspen   two internally coated pressed   the end water product in the
        Pharmacare manufacturing      steel tanks. One tank is for   manufacturing plant.
        plant. One tank is specifically   a treated water tank and the   The installation of the tanks
        designed for a treated water   other for filtered water.  The   is a bold statement to the rest
        tank holding an impressive    tanks themselves are built to   of the world that if we are to
        317 000 litres and the other is   last using an internal bracing   keep our citizens healthy and
        designed for a filtered water   of angle iron welded to base   be able to supply the rest of the
        tank holding 108 000 litres.
                                      plates, all sealants and rubber   African continent with life-
          After a pivotal deal with   components are non-toxic      saving medication, investing in
        Johnson and Johnson was       and non-tainting to ensure    sustainable water solutions is
        announced in November of      the purity of the water and all   simply non-negotiable. 

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