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           n 2022 Standard Bank will   Hameed Noormahomed said,     Client Coverage, Imraan       qualifying businesses to enter.   For more information on
           be celebrating its 160th   “These awards are in line with   Noorbhai. “As bankers we are   He said, “The Standard Bank   entering the Standard Bank KZN
        Iyear of enabling individuals   Standard Bank’s commitment   committed to provide solutions   KZN Top Business Awards are   Top Business Awards, please visit
        and businesses to achieve their   to innovative solutions that   and experiences that create value   undoubtedly a great way to
        ambitions – a testament to the   have a positive social, economic   for our clients in line with our   share your story and showcase   If you have any questions about
        brand’s innovation, resilience,   and environmental impact on   purpose: ‘Africa is our home we   the calibre of the work you’re   the awards, entry process or
        commitment, and adaptability.   the individuals, businesses,   drive her growth’.”        undertaking. The emphasis is
        Further to this milestone, the   or communities in which we                               on what makes your business   event, please email gayle@mweb.
                                                                     The awards are open to
        bank is proud and honoured to   operate.”                   businesses and organisations of   standout in the category  #HowAboutNow? 
        have been awarded the title of   The Standard Bank KZN Top   any size based in KwaZulu-Natal.   selected.”
        Africa’s most valuable bank brand                                                                                       For more information
        in 2022.                      Business Awards are based on   The 2022 categories are:      All entrants are required to   Gayle Adlam
                                      King 4, which aspires to achieve                            send in a written submission   E: 083 653 0465
          The accolade has been achieved   four governance outcomes:  ■   Business Innovation     explaining what your company   E:
        through Standard Bank’s focus   ■   Ethical culture         ■   Entrepreneur Resilience   has achieved against a set of
        on constantly evolving and                                  ■   Digital/System Implementation  key criteria as appropriate
        changing with developing client   ■   Good performance and value    ■   Employee Wellbeing  e.g., benefits for the company,
        requirements. This focus is in     creation                                               employees, or community. You
        keeping with the many other   ■   Adequate and effective control  ■   Small Business Start-up  may enter your own organisation
        successful brands who constantly   ■   Trust, good reputation,    ■   Community and Social    for an award or nominate a
        innovate and strive to achieve     legitimacy                 Responsibility              third party. The Standard Bank
        success.  As such, Standard Bank                            ■   Family Business           KZN Top Business Awards will
        is delighted to again sponsor the    “Standard Bank’s brand’s   ■   KZN Top Brand         take place on the 8 June 2022    SCAN
        KwaZulu-Natal Top Business    positioning of ‘It Can Be’ is our                           at The Capital Zimbali. The    QR CODE
        Awards 2022.                  promise of hope, change and   ■   Business Personality of the Year  proceedings will be streamed live   TO SEE
          KZN Standard Bank Head      optimism,” commented KZN       Grant Adlam, CEO of KZN      to ensure greater opportunity for   VIDEO
        Business Clients Coverage,    Standard Bank Head Consumer   Top Business encourages all   participation by all stakeholders.

        L-R: Grant Adlam, Louisa Garland, managing director of Imperial Armour, and    L-R: Grant Adlam, Rajeshree Naidoo, Lee Anne Dhorie, Saskia Hill,  CEO MCS Debt
        Imraan Noorbhai, Standard Bank Head Consumer Client Coverage KZN           Recovery, and Hameed Noormahomed, Standard Bank Head Business Client Coverage,


                 any people query     awareness is created through the   businesses. Being nominated   regularly enter awards report   award increases your hiring
                 why they should go   highly valuable publicity before   for awards is a strong   increased sales and income    status among potential
        Mthrough the process          the awards event, through print,   indicator of trustworthiness.   against businesses who don’t   new employees.
        of entering business awards.    email, and social media, as well   Business awards provide   enter awards.
        Why should they put in the    as on the night of the awards   a good opportunity to put                                 Benchmarking
        time and the effort to        event and afterwards.         your business in front of  the   Employees                   The application process
        complete an entry form for                                  influential people who may     Awards are a brilliant means   can force you to look at your
        their business?               Stronger Market Position      be key players or stakeholders   of recognising the hard work   business from a different
                                       An award nomination can act as   within your industry, sector,    of your employees and help   perspective and identify your
          We’ve compiled a list of some   a third-party endorsement for your   or region.         boost staff morale. Knowing   achievements over the years.
        of the reasons why we think   business. Making the shortlist of                           they have contributed to being   By sharing stories and being
        you should join the many      finalists serves to strengthen your   More Customers        recognised as a successful    open about your successes
        individuals, companies, and   position against your competitors.   Awards help build brand   business is a great motivator    you create a bench market
        other organisations that have   A win can give you a real stamp    loyalty as customers are keen   to continue to perform for   for other businesses to up
        been recognised for their     of authority and recognition   to support businesses who are   your company and gives     their games. 
        successes over the years.     within your industry sector as   perceived to be doing well.   employees a focus for their
                                      well as provide opportunities for   Entering business awards   purpose at work.
                                      business growth.              demonstrates to your customers                                     Success
          Just being nominated for an                               that your business is at the   Attract talent
        award gives you the opportunity   Increased Credibility     top of its game, reinforcing   Who doesn’t want to work for   breeds success.
        to use this for publicity      Successful businesses like   their reasons for using you in   a successful company? Being
        purposes. Greater brand       to work with other successful   the first place. Businesses that   nominated for an

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