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               urban ICC, CEO           “We have extended the       the meetings, incentives,     we are known for and strives   Rakharebe said the Durban
               Lindiwe Rakhareb say,   reliability of our infrastructure   conferences and exhibitions   to ensure that each guest   ICC is poised to further evolve
        D“The signature venue for     and assets, including         industry and the results follow   leaves the Durban ICC happy   into one of the world’s top
        Africa’s Travel Indaba is waiting   refurbishing essential lifts   a year-long search for the   and satisfied with the service   10 global meeting facilities.
        to warmly welcome thousands   and replacing non-compliant   world’s leading MICE brands.  received,” said Rakharebe.    The next evolutionary growth
        of delegates.”                air-conditioning systems with    “Winning awards is a visible   In September, Rakharebe   cycle will usher in a series of
                                      ozone-friendly units.                                                                     revolutionary and innovative
          Durban’s award-winning                                    demonstration of all the      added another trophy to Durban
        Inkosi Albert Luthuli           “We are excited to welcome   behind-the-scenes hard work   ICC’s impressive collection of   strategies.
        International Convention      Indaba delegates. The Durban   from the Durban ICC teams    silver, when she won the Venue   “Having led the African
        Centre is all spruced up and   ICC has entrenched itself as   and people whose principal   Representative of the Year   continent for more than two
        ready to host Africa’s Travel   the signature venue for Africa’s   focus is to continuously   category of the seventh Women   decades of hosting the world,
        Indaba after a two-year respite.  Travel Indaba and we are   provide world-class customer   in MICE Awards.             the Durban ICC will now
                                      waiting to warmly welcome     service to clients, both local
          The over 112 000-square     thousands of delegates who    and international.             The award was given to       usher in the highest level of
        metre Durban ICC,                                                                         “the woman who has ensured    technologically advanced
        incorporating the Durban ICC   will engage in business and   “It is for this reason that   the highest standards of     meeting facilities. Leadership
        Arena and Durban Exhibition   secure deals.                 the close-knit team strives   guest and staff well-being by   in service and technology will
        Centre, will be transformed     “An event of this magnitude   to maintain the Durban ICC   moving swiftly to implement   continue to be the hallmark of
        into an exhibitor’s playground   has huge economic spin offs   strong inherent culture of   measures that not only meet all   our performance excellence,”
        when the Indaba, which is the   for the tourism industry and   warmth and hospitality that   requirements but exceed them”.  she added. 
        largest tourism marketing event   associated businesses, including
        on the African calendar, runs   Small, Medium and Micro-sized
        from 2 to 5 May 2022.         Enterprises in Durban and
                                      KwaZulu-Natal,” she said.
          Given Durban’s excellent
        weather and convenience for     Durban ICC has hosted
        connectivity, the Durban ICC,   important global conventions,
        an icon of sophistication, class,   including, among others, the
        innovation, service excellence,   World Economic Forum on
        and versatility, has been the   Africa, 21st International
        venue for the tourism expo for   AIDS Convention, COP17/21,
        more than two decades.        Tourism Indaba, 4th BRICS
                                      International Competition
          Durban ICC Chief Executive   Convention, 14th World
        Officer Lindiwe Rakharebe     Forestry Congress, Africa                  MINARA GOLF DAY 2022
        said Africa’s Travel Indaba
        is a great showcase of the    Peace Awards, 21st World
                                      Routes Development Forum,
        diverse tourism products South   3rd World Social Science                          Sunday, 29 May, 6.30am,
        Africa and the continent has   Forum (WSSF), Global Forum
        to offer and brings together                                                          Durban Country Club
        local and international       for Innovations in Agriculture
                                      Africa 2015 and transformation
        stakeholders in the tourism   of the Organisation of African                  SPONSOR PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
        sector. A face-to-face Indaba   Unity (OAU) to the African
        will allow the Durban ICC to
        continue making its valuable   Union (AU).
        contribution to the economy,    The Durban ICC took the
        providing employment and      coveted award for being Africa’s
        sustaining many livelihoods in   leading convention venue for
        the tourism sector’s broad value   a second time last year, after
        chain, she said.              winning in 2020, and was also        R50 000            R10 000          R5 000          R2 500          R1 000
                                      adjudged South Africa’s Best         Diamond Partner

          “While the Durban ICC was                                      2x Fourball        1x  Fourball    1x  Fourball      1x  Fourball    2x Banner Display
        affected due to COVID-19, we   Convention Centre 2021 at the     8x Banner Display    2x Banner Display    1x Banner Display    1x Banner Display
                                      World MICE Awards.
        embraced the opportunity to                                      Marketing Exhibit at      at Field    Promotional     Promotional
        renew, renovate and refresh      The World MICE Awards is         1st Tee and 10th Tee    1x Banner Display     Brochure at      Brochures in
                                                                                             at Registration
        our facilities.               a global initiative to recognize     Company Logo on all       Marketing Exhibit      Registration     Goodie Bag

                                                                        Marketing to Event
                                      and reward excellence in           Membership for One Year     at Tee Box
                                                                         Marketing Table at
                                                                         4x Social Media Adverts
                                                                         Logo on Caps
                                                                                                 Fourball - R2400

                                                                          (Includes :Green Fees, Goody Bag, Prizes, excludes Golf Cart)
                                                                                          Format: Shotgun Start @7am, $BBS

                                                                             For queries and bookings email: or
                                                                                                 WhatsApp 073 178 6830

                                                                           PROCEEDS GO TOWARDS OUR BUSINESS SUPPORT  PROGRAMMES HOSTED
                                                                                              AND FACILITATED BY THE CHAMBER

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