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        WHEN INITIATED IN 2017

                      David White,  CEO,   out the philosophy, principles,   The outcome-based approach   successful. It is critical that the   terms?  An integrated report assists
                       DRG            practices, and outcomes which   is centred around ethical and   governing body is aware that   stakeholders and investors in
                                      serve as the benchmark for    effective leadership, and has four  it is their responsibility to, as   sharing a common understanding
                       C              Africa.  King IV was released on  which the governing body is   be aware that the organisation   easily possible from only reading
                                                                                                  Professor Mervin King says,
                                                                                                                               of the organisation, which is not
                                      corporate governance in South
                                                                    distinct areas of measurement
                                                                                                                               through the financial report, or an
                                                                                                  is lifeless without the courage,
                                                                    required to meet, comply with,
                                      1 November 2016 and became
                       orporate       effective for financial years   and explain how organisational   commitment, confidence,   ESG focused sustainability report.
                                                                    practices helped it to meet the
                                      commencing from 1 April 2017.
                                                                                                  creativity, and communication
                      governance is                                 Code’s defined principles and   from the governing body – and   Integrated reporting also
                     the combination   One of the significant advances   outcomes.  The four outcome   that the role of the directors on   helps to explain how the
                        of rules,     in the King Commission,       measurements include:         the governing body is to be the   operations of the organisation
                        processes,    and the King IV Code, is the                                organisation’s heart, mind and   have already, and will in the
                        and laws      responsibility of the entire   ■   Building an ethical and    soul.  The 17 principles are:   future, impact on society, the
                        by which      governing body to apply and     engaged culture within the    1.  Leading ethically and    environment, and the economy.
                        businesses    explain the organisation’s      organisation                  effectively                This is critical in defining
                         are operated,   governance outcomes, as    ■   Ensuring good performance                              positive and negative impacts,
                         regulated    opposed to earlier King Codes     of the organisation, and    2.  Supports an ethical culture   and opportunities and risks,
                         and          where the governing bodies      meeting organisational and    3.  Responsible corporate    which need to be enhanced or
        controlled.  The term         where required merely to        stakeholder expectations      citizenship                corrected respectively as the
        encompasses the internal      apply or explain variances in   ■   Ensuring adequate and    4.  Appreciate that corporate    organisation moves forward in
        and external factors of an    intentions and outcomes.        effective controls / oversight       governance, including    its endeavours.
        organisation that affect the   King IV is applicable to       within the organisation        sustainable development, is    The integrated report is not
        interests of the organisation’s   all organisations be they                                  an inseparable element of the    about disclosing confidential
        stakeholders, including       companies, trusts, NGOs, state   ■   Ensuring legitimacy,       value creation process   information, but rather to
                                                                      trust, and confidence in the
        shareholders, customers,      enterprises, local authorities,     organisation            5.  Ensure the validity or    share relevant information
        employees, suppliers,         university councils, pension,                                  reporting and informed    about the organisation that will
        government regulators, and    and retirement funds, and any   To reach the four intended    assessments                make it easier for associated
        other.                        other commercial or serving   positive governance outcomes,   6.  Governing body as custodian    people and stakeholders to
          The purpose of corporate    entities.  Boards in the King   governing bodies are required to     of good governance   understand and support the
        governance is to help build   IV Code are referred to as    show how the application of 17   7.  Governing body composition   organisation.  This in turn
        an environment of trust,      governing bodies, and people   principles within the Code has   8.  Effective governing body    assist funders in approving,
        transparency and accountability   appointed to governing bodies   led to positive and anticipated      structures and delegation of    for example, financial loans
        necessary for fostering long-  are responsible for ethical and   outcomes. Each of the 17   authority                  and lower interest rates.  The
        term investment, financial    effectiveness leadership of the   principles must be achieved,   9.  Performance evaluation   comprehensive report will also
        stability and business integrity,   organisation in which they   and practices must be put in                          help to attract higher quality
        therefore supporting stronger   serve, and are measured in   place to support the governing   10.  Governing body /    people to work in and supply
        growth and more inclusive     terms of four clearly defined   body and operational teams in      management relationships   goods to the organisation,
        organisations and societies.    outcomes which are clarified in   meeting the defined principles   11.  Risk governance   and help to focus measures to
                                      the Code.                     and outcomes.                 12.  Technology and information    alleviate social, environmental,
          Corporate law dictates the                                                                                           and economic challenges.
        formation and the activities   The King IV Code is a         Practices to reach the 17      governance
        of corporations, while        voluntary set of principles, and   principles may change from   13.  Compliance governance   Conclusion
        governance regulates the      although not statutory law as   organisation to organisation   14.  Remuneration governance   Corporate governance
        balancing of interests among   per the directing requirements   depending on the size of the   15.  Assurance          and its integrated reporting
        an organisation’s different   in the Companies Act, it can   entity, or in which industry the   16.  Stakeholder-inclusive    methodologies is a positive
        stakeholders.  Corporate law   have legal consequences for a   entity operates.  Although no   approach                step forward in governance for
        and governance therefore      governing body in them being   direct guidance is given to the                           both developing and mature
        directly shape what businesses   held liable for poor governance   practices that governing bodies   17.  Responsible investment  organisations, in that it provides a
        do and how they do it.        compliance through case       and organisations are expected   The Code encourages a holistic   well thought through framework
                                      law and its direct linkage to   to implement, there does need
        History and Present           common law.                   to be sight of significant thought   approach and consideration   to reduce organisational risk,
                                                                                                  to governance, referred to as
                                                                                                                               to support ethical and effective
          In July 1993 the Institute of   South Africa as a Governance   and consideration induced to   Integrated Reporting, and   leadership, to align initiatives to
        Directors in South Africa asked   Pioneer                   ensure that the practices chosen   suggests that six capitals be   sustainability endeavours, and to
        retired Supreme Court of South                              support to the 17 principles   considered.  These important   better inform stakeholders of the
        Africa judge Mervyn E. King to   South Africa through the King   being achieved.          areas of focus directly impact   organisation’s pending challenges,
        chair a committee on corporate   Commission and Integrated   The 17 principles are divided   stakeholder relationships and   opportunities and expectations. 
        governance. He viewed this as   Reporting Council has been a   into the following groups of   include:
        an exciting opportunity to share   leading authority on governance   focus areas and are linked by
        his passion and experience in   and organisational reporting   common themes and concepts.    ■   Financial            For more information contact
        corporate leadership, and to   throughout the world.  Many   These themes and concepts can   ■   Manufactured          E:
        educate the newly democratic   countries have adopted the   be broadly grouped into the   ■   Human                    W:
        South African public on the   King Codes to better manage   following headings:           ■   Natural
        working of a free economy.    and ensure accurate reporting,   ■   Leadership, ethics and    ■   Intellectual
                                      responsibility and outcomes of
          In 1994 the first King report   governing bodies.           corporate citizenship       ■   Social
        on corporate governance (King                               ■   Strategy, performance and
        I) was published, this was the   The Nuts and Bolts           reporting                    Integrated reporting
        first corporate governance code   King IV is an outcome-based   ■   Governing structures and    helps to define a clear and
        for South Africa. It established   governance code.  The rational     delegation          understandable way to show
        recommended standards         being that if the internal    ■   Governance functional areas   stakeholders how the governing   SCAN
        of conduct for boards and     and external outputs of an                                  body applied their minds to the   QR CODE
        directors of listed companies,   organisation are measured   ■   Stakeholder relationships  sustainability and value creation
        banks, and certain state-owned   and managed within clearly   ■   Integrated Reporting    of the organisation.            TO SEE
        enterprises.                  defined parameters, it is likely   The 17 principles flow from   Integrated reporting helps to   VIDEO

          King IV is the fourth set of   that the organisation has been   the common themes and   answer questions as, has the
        codes created for the purpose of  led effectively, and will achieve   concepts and help to define   organisation developed a strategy   (Open the camera on your phone and
        ensuring effective governance   positive outcomes and maintain   the activities that will result in   to ensure sustainable performance   hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        within organisations, and sets   quality governance standards.    the organisation likely being   in the short, medium, and long   QR Code to see the video.)

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