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                                                                    accountability. Understanding   interaction online. And of   felt. This is because they don’t
                                                                    how the media works, how its   course, in an age where virtual   understand the impact of their
                                                                    news cycles are determined,   meetings are more the norm    message not only within their
                                                                    how media generally sees the   than the exception, mastering   operating environment but also
                                                                    private sector and what makes   your online presence, in terms   in broader society. And media
                                                                    a story, helps you work better   of lighting, positioning and   training helps here too. It is a
                                                                    with them.                    keeping your point sharp and   tool that allows a business or
                                                                                                  succinct are invaluable tools.   entity to see how it is being
                                                                      Besides wanting to look
                                                                    good or share information,    People switch off when they   seen within context. That
                                                                                                                                helps build perspective and the
                                                                                                  can’t see you properly, are
                                                                    there is a growing need for the
                                                                    communities you serve or work   distracted by how you come   opportunity to better curate its
                                                                                                                                reputation and impact.
                                                                                                  across or become bored by
                                                                    in to be better informed. It’s   overly drawn-out presentations.
                                                                    also imperative that businesses                              Media training is not about
                                                                    show thought leadership. You   Learning the art of capturing   teaching hype and spin. South
                                                                                                  and holding attention is a skill
                                                                    can only accomplish this if you   easily learned when you have   Africans can spot that a mile
                                                                    know how to use the channels                                off! It is about speaking with
                                                                    at your disposal. Media training   expert guidance!         authority and authenticity,
                                                                    helps familiarise you with     Sometimes things happen      whether the situation is
                                                                    those channels and builds your   that one cannot anticipate.   favourable or adverse. There is
                                                                    awareness on how to get your   If your business is caught   nothing more beautiful than
                                                                    message right and get it out to   in an unexpected crisis, or   watching someone answer
                                                                    achieve the right results. Social   an event that demands an   honestly, clearly and with a
         Iman Rappetti                unprepared interviews are
                                      possible to avoid. You have to   media engagement still comes   answer – you should know   real desire to connect with
                                                                                                                                an audience. These skills are
                                                                    across as somewhat hit and miss
                                                                                                  how to prepare and be ready
                                      invest the time in preparing.
             eeing people on television   You should go into a media   yet is a crucial aspect of your   to provide clarity when and   transferable, all you have to do
             bumbling their way       interview knowing your        company outreach. Knowing     where it is needed most, and   is show up with an open mind,
        Sthrough an interview is      facts, understanding your     how to master it, use it wisely   in a tone that is consistent   willingness to learn something
         uncomfortable to watch. What’s   message, the media channel   and opportunely are skills all   with the moment. Too often   new and powerful, and be
         even more uncomfortable than   and its audience, sharing the   serious business owners must   people feign sympathy or   available to lean forward. 
         that is the reputational risk   right information and using   develop. Our series ensures   concern but come off looking
         and damage that is caused to   that coveted spotlight to   that you know how to design   insincere or misdirected. Or   WhatsApp/Phone:: +27 (0)63 567 9719
         an individual or a brand. Badly   create impact, goodwill and   your message, when to deploy   they oversell or overestimate   E:
         conducted or ill-informed and                              it and how to keep authentic   how their presence is being   W:


              he next KZN Top         and “Sermons of Soul” (2020),   Commenting on his experiences   investigation, the facts are still   spokesperson represent the brand
              Business Masterclass    musings on politics, economics,   Neil says, “All these stories have   key to telling the right story, even   contributes significantly to how a
        Twill be facilitated by       philosophy, and life.         revealed one important fact,   if it takes longer to find them.”  company is perceived.
         Iman Rappetti on the topic of   In addition, Iman has      the media is powerful and with                               Iman and Neil will be
         Don’t just wing it! Why media   developed, facilitated and   that, comes great responsibility.   Currently, there are many   unpacking the importance of
         training matters. Iman will be                             The media can make or break a   media channels available
         joined by Neil Raath who has   delivered effective, bespoke   company, a politician, an idea   for communication – from   being prepared for all types of
         had many years of experience in   media training and coaching   or even just an average person.   formal to social media. The   interviews and provide tips on
                                      programmes to leaders of blue-
                                                                                                                                how to get your message across in
         television broadcasting.                                   The media can drive a narrative,   responsibility of being the face
                                      chip corporations, SOEs, non-                               of an organisation or even a   the most effective manner.
          Iman is an award-winning,   profits and academic institutions.   even if it’s not the perspective   personal brand is never simple.   The masterclass will be
                                                                    that best suits the situation. At
         veteran television news                                    the end of the day, it is our duty   You are promoting a company’s
         broadcaster with more than 25   After studying video                                     brand or attesting to its     streamed live on 20 April from
         years in the business. She has   technology at Technikon Natal,   to tell the public a balanced story   reputation. Stakeholders interact   10.00 am to 11.00 am. 
                                                                    covering all sides, but having said
                                      Neil Raath joined the SABC
         worked in print, digital, radio   TV News department as a   this, we can only use the facts   with a company based on their
         and TV. Until recently, Iman                               presented to us. While we can dig   perceptions of your brand in the   To register visit www.kzntopbusiness.
         was the face of @eNCA prime   cameraman in 1997. Since then,                             public arena. How you or your   com/event-details/why-media-training-
         time news together with Jeremy   his career path has taken him   deeper into stories that require                      matters
                                      through many other disciplines
         Maggs for several years. She has   including live TV broadcasting,
         recently joined the SABC News
         Channel 404.                 documentary film making and
                                      investigative journalism. Over
          Iman has covered stories all   more than two decades, Neil
         the way from Tehran, Iran to   has received several awards
         Thohoyandou, South Africa.   and accolades in TV journalism
         She has interviewed heads    and for his work in live
         of state and celebrities but   outside broadcasting.
         is supremely focused on the    Neil has witnessed our
         struggles of everyday people.   country’s best and worst
         Iman is a sought-after public   moments in recent history, from
         speaker, master of ceremonies
         and facilitator and has done   building a democracy and our
                                      victories in World Cups to the
         work for myriad international   sheer tragedies of the Richmond
         and South African clients.
                                      and Marikana massacres. He has
          Iman is also an acclaimed   been on the ground covering taxi
         author and has published her   violence, political unrest, and
         memoir “Becoming Iman” (2018)   public movements.

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