Page 5 - KZN Business Sense - 8.2
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            Biz               CORNER                                                              OR have you sacrificed this   flow of these ideal customers/
                                                                                                                                 Once you have a predictable
                                                                                                  privilege for ‘a better quality of
                                                                                                  life’ – not working for a boss, more  clients then you can look to
                                                                                                                                cross/up sell your other product/
                                                                                                  flexibility, be your own boss, make
            TALK                 MARLENE                            DO THIS HEALTH CHECK          your own decisions to mention a   service offerings.
                                 with Business Coach
                                                                                                  few ‘benefits’ as an entrepreneur?
                                                                                                                                 Sound Customer/Client Base
                                                                    ■   Revenue                   Profit                         In order for your business to
                @coachmarlenepowell  @actioncoachmarlene
                                                                      – are my sales increasing?   Over and above your market   be sustainable and ensure the
                                                                    ■   Profits                   related salary does your business   continuity of a profitable business
        End your fear of numbers –    know what they are saying        – am I making money?       provide you with a minimum of a   your customer/client base needs to
                                                                                                                                be sound.  Does your business rely
                                                                                                  22% net profit? (this must include
        with one financial practical   so you can make more solid   ■   Projected Cash Flow       your market related salary). Many  heavily on a few large customers/
        tool at a time! Do you want   financial decisions.            – do I have enough cash in my    exclude the owner’s remuneration  clients who contribute the most
        your business to succeed? 100%                                business?                   as they are either living out of   turnover into your business? OR
        yes?  Well, the reality is that    How to master the numbers of   ■   Equity              the business (only pay myself   do you have a good spread of
        avoiding your numbers is not   any business?                  – is my business gaining or    when there is enough available)   customers/clients who buy from
        an option!                     Not only do you need to        losing value?               or not paying the MRS, which is   you so you are not at risk of being
          Don’t let finance terminology   know your historic numbers   ■   Ratios                 therefore not a true reflection of   negatively impacted should your
        get the better of you. If you’re in   but the ones that will create     – What are my Days Sales    the actual profit in your business.  major client, who you depend on
        business to make money, you’re   your future. Due to a lack of     Outstanding (DSO), Aged                              decides to end their relationship
        probably relying on either your   information, too many business     Payables, Current Ratio, etc.   Marketing Funnel   with you.  Please don’t assume that
        emotions or your intellect.   owners have a limited ability    Non-financial:              Is your marketing funnel     these same clients who pay you the
        Learn to know, understand and   to make decisions. If you want                            flooded with new leads of your   most are your profitable clients. 
        love your numbers to enable you   to manage something, you   ■   What are my key activity    ideal target market?  OR is   Many a client I have worked with
        to make informed, intelligent,   have to measure it! This is both     measures/drivers?   it rather dry and may drip a   has realised that their focus was
        and strategic business decisions.   accounting numbers and testing   ■   Do I have customer service    prospect here and there and may   on turnover (vanity) and not profit
        Your numbers tell a story –   and measuring results.          measures?                   not be your ideal target market?  (sanity). 
                                                                    ■   What are my strategies/values?  Do you have a lead magnet that    So, If you suffer from
                                                                                                  automatically attracts your ideal   arithmophobia and want to get
                                                                     Is your Business profitable?  customer/client. Do you know   to know, understand and love
                                                                     If you believe your business   who your ideal target market is?  your numbers! Contact me. Let’s
                                                                    is profitable then you will have   Do you have a ‘Spray and   face your fear and obliterate
                                                                    these key focus areas in place:  Pray’ or ‘Bulls Eye’ marketing   your phobia for numbers! And if
                                                                                                                                you feel fear or excitement after
                                                                                                  approach?  Do you want market
                                                                     Market Related Salary (MRS)                                reading this article then take
                                                                                                  share or wallet share?  Do you
                                                                     If you worked for somebody else,   want quality clients or anyone,   ACTION and let’s talk. 
                                                                    you probably had the privilege   no matter whether they make
                                                                    of earning a consistent monthly   you a profit or not?      Contact me on
                                                                    salary.  At the time you may not                            marlenepowell
                                                                    have appreciated this as much as   Marketing can be your most   or call 083 479 4471
                                                                    you do now, where you may not   expensive line item if you do
                                                                    be earning nearly the same as you   not have a MarketingPLAN
                                                                    did as an employee.  You may also   and strategy to attract the right
                                                                    have had the privilege of enjoying   market to your business.  Ideally
                                                                    additional benefits i.e. pension,   you want to market to a potential   SCAN
                                                                    provident fund, medical benefits,   customer/client by offering a   QR CODE
                                                                    bonuses, travel allowance etc.  As   product/service that will give
                                                                    a business owner are you enjoying   you: The most amount of profit   TO SEE
                                                                    a market related salary plus   with the least amount of effort in   VIDEO
                                                                    benefits consistently every month?    the shortest space of time.


             he KwaZulu-Natal Trade    “One may be curious about    development of the halal industry   UWHD Projects Director Syed   One Human Community and
             and Investment Indaba    the link between World Halal   and markets globally.        Imran said this initiative was   Food for All.”  
        T& World Halal Day took       Day and TIKZN. The halal                                    in line with the values of World
        place in March 2022. The three-  economy is a multitrillion-dollar    KZN MEC for Economic   Halal Day, namely “United
        day event was hosted by Trade   opportunity that captures the   Development, Tourism and   Against Hunger; Preserve Nature,   W:
        and Investment KwaZulu-Natal   core of faith-based Muslim   Environmental Affairs, Ravi Pillay,
        (TIKZN), in collaboration     spend, as well as the value chain   said the conference will further
        with the United World Halal   that includes all Halal-Certified   bolster the province’s drive to
        Development (UNWHD).          non-Islamic contributors,”    revive the economy and create
                                                                    jobs. “Our relationship with the
          The global event was attended   commented Neville Matjie CEO   United World Halal Development
        by investors, delegates and   TIKZN. “Halal is also recognised   will lead to more export
        exhibitors with the aim to    as a benchmark for quality,   opportunities for entrepreneurs
        share knowledge, explore trade   health, hygiene and safety, thus   who have an appetite to expand to
        opportunities, and present    a favourable consideration in   other regions.”
        a co-ordinated platform for   global sourcing.”
        innovators, investors and                                    In commemorating World
        buyers of halal products. The   This event forms part of the   Halal Day, the UWHD launched
        event showcased opportunities   provincial government’s efforts to   its fifth Food Bank as part of
        available from trading in halal-  rebuild a resilient and sustainable   lending a hand to help eradicate
        based products, which extend   economy, especially after the   hunger in the world. The Food
        beyond culinary offerings to   adverse effects of the Covid-19   Bank will be located at the
        include clothing and textiles as   pandemic. KZN will focus on   Habiba Soofie Darbaar Mosque   KZN MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental
        well as tourism opportunities.  the opportunities and overall   in Springfield, Durban.   Affairs, Ravi Pillay

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