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                   By Monique Labat,   both time and resources. A B2B   to become climate-friendly,   collaborations bring about such  Increased Efficiency
                    Specialist in B2B   specialist takes into consideration   being sustainable is no longer   as exclusive deals, special offers   By sharing resources and
                     Market Linkages  whether the size of the market may   enough. Instead we understand   etc. Strong customer loyalty is   collaborating on projects it is
                                      be too small, whether there is a   the importance for brands,   usually one of the key outcomes   often possible for businesses
                                      lack of information on the market   companies and communities to   of successful B2B linkage
                            his is the   products or whether there is poor   work together for a regenerative   arrangements.   involved in B2B linkages to
                            third in   market accessibility.        planet and future.                                          achieve efficiencies that
                      Ta series                                                                   Enhanced Competitiveness       would not be possible if
                       of articles on   Challenges could also emanate   A dedicated staff or                                    working independently. This
                         Business to   from mistakes in selecting   department set up specially    Collaborating with a partner   improved efficiency typically
                         Business     the appropriate B2B partner.   for securing new markets for   company can help you become   leads to reduced costs which
                         (B2B)        Informed and careful selection   products or services could be   more competitive by giving   then allows the businesses
                         linkages     of partners and setting up of   a costly operation. Lessons   you access to new technology,   involved to pass these cost
        and the theme throughout these   proper management systems   learnt by existing clients is the   ideas, or processes that you   savings onto their customers
        articles is access to relevant and   would make it possible to reduce   cost effectiveness of  securing   may not have otherwise had   resulting in better value for
        verified information.         these challenges dramatically,   the services of a professional   access to. Additionally, your   money offerings.
                                      while maximising the benefits   with years of experience in   B2B specialist can identify a   A clear business case ensures
         How do you gain the local    of B2B linkages.              B2B linkages when looking     partner company which has
        knowledge and contacts                                      to identify potential local or   the necessary resources to   long-term commitment
                                                                                                                                by the company, and has a
        required to operate effectively   An essential requirement is   international business partners.   help reduce costs associated   far greater chance of being
        in a new market? How do you   access to reliable and actionable                           with research, development or   sustainable with the advice and
        optimise cost, quality, flexibility   information to reduce the risks   An intermediary such as   marketing expenses.   information supplied by a B2B
        and other considerations in the   inherent in transacting with   a B2B specialist can be very                           specialist. The investment is
        value chain that will lead you   companies in a new market.   effective when companies    Improved Access to
        to gain a foothold and market   This endeavour can be especially   in the same industry work   New Markets              worth it! 
        share in the new market?      costly in business models     together, helping to build trust
                                      involving large numbers of    among corporate partners.      When companies work
         Cost pressure and presence   small transactions, for example                             together they can expose each   Information on B2B matchmaking and
        combine to create an interesting   when sourcing agricultural   OPPORTUNITIES IN B2B      other’s products and services to   market linkages to secure new markets,
                                                                                                                                new suppliers or new clients available
        set of challenges, lessons and   products from smallholder   LINKAGES                     new markets that they may not   from Monique Labat Consulting (Pty) Ltd
        opportunities for firms.      farms or marketing consumer                                 have been able to reach on their   E: or
                                      packaged goods through kiosks   Increased Customer Loyalty  own. This expanded market
        Challenges in B2B Linkages    or pushcart vendors.           When two or more businesses   access can result in increased   M: 0027 (0) 82 924 6349
         Without access to reliable                                 come together through         sales and revenue for both
        information, challenges in securing   Lessons in B2B Linkages  alliances it often results in   businesses involved thanks to
        new markets, new suppliers and   A tough lesson is that as   loyal customers who appreciate   the B2B specialist who created
        new clients could be costly in   lifestyles and businesses shift   the added value these   the linkage.

                                                                                                                   Dube                    The city of Durban
                                                                                               0        1          and King             (eThekwini Municipality)
                                                                                               0        0          Shaka                    is South Africa’s
                                                                                                        1          International        second most important
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                                                                                                        0          year Master
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                              Let’s come together and heal as a nation.  0  0                           11         1                      by the Swiss-based
             Let’s focus on renewing, restoring and rebuilding successful partnerships   11  1                                               New 7 Wonders
            and investment opportunities so we can get back to promoting our city as                               0 11                   Foundation in 2014
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                Your support coupled with our world-class infrastructure, innovative   1  0             1          1                                   1
            business environment and ever evolving investment opportunities, means   1         0        0                                             01
                       we can get back to ‘connecting continents’ in no time.                           1
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                                         Tel: +27 31 311 4227                                  0        11
                                    Email:                                11

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