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r Mohamed Fareed my business and what it stands under the one roof. Everything situation and consists of three Dr Amod’s practice manager
Amod, founder, CEO, for. I merely believe, that instead from teeth whitening, wisdom aspects. These are: is his father, who has much
Dand head dental surgeon of me reiterating these points, teeth removal, children’s business experience. Dr Amod
of Crown Dental Studio was by leaving a review platform dentistry and dental implants ■ Identifying what the problem is says that without his father’s
born and bred in Durban - for my patients to relay their are all carried out in the one ■ Deciding what can be financial acumen, he believes
KwaZulu-Natal. experiences and describe their convenient location,” said Dr different, and he would not be as successful as
Dr Amod’s deep interest in encounters with both myself and Amod. As successful dentistry ■ Explaining what steps need he is today as much of the day-
people, coupled with his desire Crown Dental Studio, and its drives his business model, Dr to be taken to resolve this to-day functioning is taken care
to continually challenge himself, team, I am allowing for a more Amod provides the finest dental In this way Dr Amod of, leaving him more time to
led him to the field of dentistry. honest reflection of what the material available, and he is concentrate on his patients.
While excelling at mathematics public has experienced I stand prepared to take time with each believes that he is fulfilling his A truly 24-hour dental practise
and linguistics – he speaks for, first hand,” he explains. patient to achieve good results. obligation to provide dental
eight different languages – he He says, “Although my passion Dr Amod prides himself on care that is solution driven Getting to the dentist during
felt that being a dentist would lies in helping others, and giving his excellent patient care and while building a relationship normal working hours can often
allow him to explore his artistic back to my community, my especially of his goal – painless with clients as they participate be a challenge. In addition, no
side. His professional field of passion for business over the dentistry. His aim is not to hurt in choosing a treatment plan one knows when toothache will
choice is especially relevant as and prioritising the steps to be strike or a front tooth chip;
many advances have been made normally this is just before an
in cosmetic and reconstructive important meeting. Confidence
dentistry. about your smile can impact on
all aspects of life, from social
He obtained his undergraduate interactions to relationships.
qualification as a dental surgeon “True to my personality, I have
at the University of the Western implemented my own unique
Cape in 2016 and went on to spin on building a dental
complete his postgraduate practice,” explained Dr Amod.
diploma in Prosthodontics at As such, Crown Dental Studio
the University of Pretoria in is one of the few truly 24-hour
2020. Dr Amod is currently in dental practises in Durban as
his third year of his law degree this is not limited to emergency
with the University of South dentistry treatment.
Africa and claims this will not
be where his lifelong education It is not surprising then
ends. In the future he says that Dr Amod is becoming
he would like to specialise in a sought-after dentist by
maxillofacial surgery. Durbanites across all sectors.
Recently, a senior business
Creating a legacy executive recently flew from
Whilst a firm advocate for Johannesburg to Durban, on
education, both formal and a Sunday, to obtain dental
informal, Dr Amod’s life is treatment at a time convenient
governed by the principles of to his busy schedule.
hard work, determination, and Dr Amod says, “We believe we
the vision to create a legacy that are the only ones that are open 24
will benefit the communities of hours a day. The practice’s hours
generations to come. In addition, of operation help fill unmet patient
Dr Amod is a dentist with an needs. Our business model, not
entrepreneurial spirit. only streamlines patient care, but
These very principles are what also prioritises patient convenience
governed the decision to open his Dr Mohamed Fareed Amod by providing care at a time that is
own practice immediately after convenient to them.”
his formal training. Working for years has seemed to surface.” It anyone, and he says that being taken to achieve any required In the future
an employer was never something is unsurprising that Dr Amod’s gentle is key to achieving this goal. results. “Transforming the
that appealed to him, and the skills and passion for business He explained further that he is views of patients attending my With his natural flair for
opportunity to be the employer, has allowed him to successfully dedicated to providing his patients business, Dr Amod has founded
and provide employment merge running a business with with the best possible care while practice and enabling them to Geylani Enterprises. His goal
opportunities for others, providing the highest possible considering the patient’s own take control of their own for the future is to nurture and
motivated him to take this leap at level of healthcare. His successes needs and situations. health and well-being has thus grow Crown Dental Studio and
the age of twenty-four. have seen him been nominated far been the most satisfactory Geylani Enterprises, among
as a Forbes Top 30 under 30 “We ensure that we offer our part of my career. I quite others, and take them to new
Crown Dental Studio, patients the best available dental literally put a smile on your heights whilst simultaneously
established in 2018, continues to young entrepreneur for 2021 and care and that we make their face, before you leave my completing his current degree
grow from strength to strength 2022, as well as being selected experience with us as easy and practice,” he explains. and furthering his studies
under Dr Amod’s leadership as a finalist in the Entrepreneur within the dental field.
and through the support of a Resilience Category of the enjoyable as possible,” said Dr However, he emphasised that he
team of dedicated members. Standard Bank KZN Top Amod. “I attempt to view my wanted each patient to agree that
His highly motivated team of Business Awards 2021. patients needs and expectations prevention was better than cure T: +27 81 207 8621
professional dentists and dental Highest-quality dental care through their eyes, not my own." and that oral hygiene is essential. E: /
hygienists testify to his superior Solution driven dental care Many South Africans remain
work ethic and encouragement Crown Dental Studio’s mission unaware of the importance of W:
as a team leader. is to make a positive difference in In order to accomplish this good oral hygiene and then LI:
the lives of children, youth and goal, Dr Amod is at pains to must deal with the unpleasant TWT: @drfamod
Dr Amod’s digital footprint adults by offering the highest- communicate clearly with his consequences. IG: @drfamod / @geylani_enterprises
and online presence well quality dental care in a private- patients so that they understand FB: @drfamod / @geylani_enterprises
demonstrate the reach he office atmosphere. “A big part the options and risks available Dr Amod’s wife, Mateenah,
has within the South African of our ability to provide service to them when dental treatment whom he met when at university,
business and healthcare excellence comes from having is either requested or needed. is the practice dental hygienist.
community. “My online the full range of dental services He explains that his model of She is able to provide services or
presence most accurately defines available to our patients all treatment can be applied to any assist when required. In addition,