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                    Dominic Collett,   out of the iLembe Chamber    not been able to recover. This   specialised policing units to
                     Chairman of the   of Commerce Industry and     together with navigating the   stop the continued business
                     KwaZulu-Natal    Tourism BCI survey that       business mafia forum created   mafia operations is certainly
                     Business Chambers   showed an increase in      a toxic business environment   a move in the right direction.
                     Council          business confidence.          to say the least. The individual   Business commits to assist in
                                                                    Chambers have worked very     any investigations in the hope
                                       Organised business recently
                                ZN    renewed their commitment      hard in assisting the safety and   that these criminal activities
                                                                    security cluster in stabilising
                                is    to the KZN Economic           the situation on the ground.   cease, and the perpetrators are   KWAZULU-NATAL
                         Know         Council Social Accord                                       brought to book.              BUSINESS CHAMBERS
                          starting    in working together with       I would like to take this     On a positive note, businesses
                           to show    government, labour and        opportunity to thank Palesa   are starting to get back on   COUNCIL:
                           signs of   civil society in achieving    Phili (CEO) and Nigel         their feet and are working
                           returning   the KZN economic growth      Ward (President) of Durban    harder than ever to bring back   Chairperson: Dominic Collett
                          to some     targets. We are delighted     Chamber of Commerce and       growth to the KZN economy.    Physical Address: Pencarrow
        normalisation after the       that there is a commitment    Industry for their dedication   The recent South African    Park, 1 Pencarrow Crescent,
        COVD restrictions.            from government to partner    and hard work through this    Investment conference raised   La Lucia Ridge, 4051.
        Unfortunately, there is a lot   with business on critical   period. eThekwini felt the    R332 million in pledges of
        of catchup work to be done    infrastructure and service    biggest brunt of the looting   which a significant proportion   Postal Address: P.O. Box 335,
        by all to return our economy    delivery models. A new way of   and the Durban Chamber has   came out of KZN. We look   Umhlanga Rocks, Durban 4320.
        to where we can realise       working together in achieving   worked tirelessly in assisting   forward to the successful   Tel: +27 (0)31 575 5500
        increased economic activity    tangible improvements in the   their members to get back on   implementation of these
        and investment.               business environment will have   their feet and to protect their   investments with the help of   Email:
                                      significant impact to the KZN.  investment going forward.
          It was great to see the                                                                 government in assisting with   Website:
        results of the latest Business   KZN has felt the brunt of the   The positive move by     navigating the red tape. Keep
        Confidence Index coming       looting. Some businesses have   government in creating      up the hard work!  


                 elcome to the         The highly successful first   The iLembe Business
                 April edition of     KZN Top Business Masterclass   Confidence Index – 2021
        WBusiness Sense.  As          featured Cathie Lewis and David  Year-End makes for interesting
        commented by Dominic Collett   White on the topic of corporate   reading especially as iLembe-
        above a return to normalisation   governance. Read more of their   based businesses came back to
        is very welcome. The          insights on page 6 and 16.    life during the second half of
        announcement by President                                   2021 with both the survey and
        Cyril Ramaphosa of the ending   The next masterclass will   economic activity indices being
        of the state of disaster holds   feature Iman Rappetti and Neil   recorded at the highest level
                                      Raath on the topic of Don’t just
        much promise for the future.                                ever. See page 12.
                                      wing it! Why media training
          Dr Fareed Amod is featured   matters. See page 7.          The Durban ICC is in turbo
        on the front page of this                                   mode to host Africa’s Travel
        edition as well as on page 3.   Johan van Deventer, regional   Indaba after a two-year
        Dr Amod is a dentist with an   manager, LabourNet, KwaZulu-  respite. The Durban ICC Chief
                                      Natal explains the importance
        entrepreneurial spirit as well as   of payslips to both employers   Executive Officer Lindiwe
        has a passion for helping others.                           Rakharebe said, “A face-to-face
        These characteristics have    and employees. There are legal   Indaba will allow the Durban
        allowed him to successfully   requirements when it comes    ICC to continue making
                                      to payslips and the potential
        merge running a business with   implications when these     its valuable contribution
        providing the highest possible                              to the economy, providing
        level of healthcare.          requirements are not met. See   employment and sustaining
                                      page 9.                       many livelihoods in the tourism
          Some of the articles in this
        edition are:                   The Durban Chamber invites   sector’s broad value chain.” See
                                      its members to participate in   page 14.
          Monique Labat, specialist in   hosting experiential learning
                                                                     The rebuilding of our economy
        B2B Market Linkages continues   of KwaZulu-Natal unemployed   on all fronts is essential for
        her series of articles on     youth. In addition, registration   economic recovery and growth
        business-to-business linkages.   for the Durban Business Fair is
        The theme throughout these    open. See page 10.            to occur. We echo Ramaphosa’s   Cindy Norcott
        articles is the importance of   One of the highlights of the   sentiments, “We are hopeful
                                                                    that the worst is behind us, and
        access to relevant and verified   KZN business calendar is   we are confident that there are
        information. See page 4.
                                      the Standard Bank KZN Top     only better days ahead. Now is   The five lucky winners of a copy of ‘How does she do it?’
          Marlene Powell asks, ‘Do you   Business Awards 2022 which are   the time to grow our economy   by Cindy Norcott are:
        suffer from arithmophobia?’   now open for entries. Visit page   and create jobs. Now is the
        She explains that the reality   11 for more information on the   time to get our country back on   Merlean Reddy  Brian Eckley       Ravina Maharaj
        of avoiding your business     categories, the process to follow   track. Now is the time to heal,
        numbers is not an option!     as well as the advantages of   to recover and to rebuild.”                                         * A copy of the book will
        See page 5.                   entering business awards.     (4 April 2022)                   Christina Geoffrey  Zandile Magagula
                                                                                                                                         soon be delivered to you.

        BUSINESS SENSE                                        © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of Business Sense may be reproduced   COMMENTS:
                                                              or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of  Top Business.
        Published by: Top Business, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates  While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every   We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments
                                                                                                                  that raise questions, clarify content, constitute serious rebuttals,
        Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529     attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee   and promote discussion are welcomed and encouraged but will
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        Editorial: Gayle Adlam: 083 653 0465 | 031 267 1977 |  that inaccuracies will not occur. Top Business will not be held responsible for any loss,   necessarily limited to  non publishing of comments, removal of
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        Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht:  pages.                                              offending material, or editing for spelling or grammar, at the sole
                                                                                                                  discretion of the editorial board of Business Sense.
        Design & Layout: Kerri Adlam | Kezlea Graphics |  The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors   Please send your queries to
                                                              alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal
        Website:                         Business Chambers Council, its members,  staff or funding agencies and advertisers.  We look forward to hearing from you!
        BUSINESS SENSE is brought to you by Top Business Portfolio.
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