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and doubt will always oppose each other in the mind that is not aware of
the Truth of the Living Presence of the Christ.
By the growth of your understanding of the action of your thought so is
the power of your faith increased in proportion. When you become aware of the
action of your thought, you will know the result before you begin. This is proved in
the Master’s statement, “believe you have received and you will have.”
There are two facts that require your earnest attention.
The first is, that the perfect liberty of the individual must be in accordance
with the will of the “Father” who is manifesting Himself in the individual,
and any system that advocates blind submission to adverse circumstances
as submission to the Will of the Father has failed utterly to understand the
teaching of the Master who revealed our Divine Authority over all things.
The second fact is even of more importance that it is our ingrained ignorant
belief to the contrary that keeps us tied in bondage to all sorts of limitation.
Now the Master shows us that when we know the truth about ourselves
we shall find that we are not tied up at all, we are utterly free, and it is this
ignorance of our Divine nature that causes all our limitation and bondage.
To struggle against any condition or limitation does not free us but only
intensifies the condition because of our belief in it, due to our ignorance of
the fact that, “the Father and I are one.”
If you plant a seed in the ground, you go away and leave it, the Intelligence
becomes active and reproduces its kind. If you plant a seed in the mind the
same operation takes place, the “Father doeth the work,” as it is done on earth
so is it done in heaven.
Job said, “what I feared came upon me,” this is the same law put into
reverse, therefore “Faith” is pure thinking on the part of the individual who thinks
ignorant thinking is done when this law is not fully recognised. Therefore I say
to you, thinking whether it is done in fear or in faith amounts to the same thing,
you either have or you do not have.
The Man of Galilee showed that his faith was the result of his awareness
that, “the Father and I are one.” If you will read my last letter to you about Peter
where he saw himself doing something unfamiliar and his faith left him, you will
find it is much the same with you.
Ask and you shall receive provided you ask aright. This asking must be
done with the dominant attitude of mind which refuses to give up, refuses to
worry, refuses to fear. You must see the Creative Principle acting freely, exercising
its own wisdom in the manifestation of the things asked for.