P. 164
When we grasp this fundamental principle of Life there is no need for
resolutions for we make all things new. Everything then is changed for us
through the realization of this great living Reality that underlies all things. We
recognise in every person and in every thing this eternal Substance out of which
everything is made. We come to the truth of the “one” in which all things exist.
Einstein has just recently postulated certain mathematical facts to prove
that there is only One and everything must be in and of this One. Now this truth
has been known throughout the ages to the great thinkers in the world.
Now let us understand ourselves so that by doing so we can make all
things new. We know that God alone created the heavens and the earth and all
things thereon. He could only create all this within Himself and out of His own
Substance, let us call that Substance “Mind” as there can be no other substance
but His, being infinite in nature. Therefore we are virtually made out of His own
Substance and every particle of substance must be God for there can be nothing
outside Him. Paul says, “we live and move and have our being in Him.”
Jesus says, “know ye not I am in the Father and the Father is in me.”
I am quoting these sayings to add substance to that which I wish to
reveal to you for you will readily accept what the prophets say rather than
depend upon your own thinking. You really accept what you read as Truth
without really knowing in yourselves whether it is true or not and this is why
you fail. You have never thought it out for yourselves, you have not made it
your own therefore Truth to you is a relative thing and not a Reality. “I am
the Truth.”
Now, the great thing you want to know is, “how is mind materialized?”
This subject has gripped the minds of most, especially those who wish to create
for themselves. Thus the Creative Principle is turned inwards and not outwards.
One lives to create for himself, to accumulate wealth, power, prestige
etc., while another creates for the sake of creation. One lives unto himself and
the other lives for all. One has all the worries in the world and the other has all
the joy, one is forgotten and the other is remembered. “You must remember the
Eternal for it is He who gives you the power of gaining.” Deut. 8: 18.
The Eternal God is the Creative Power within all and as the Eternal
is “All” we gain more by creating for all and not only for the self. Thus we
do not make God a separate relative thing, an idea in our minds, but He
becomes the Creative Will within us. “I and the Father are one.” “The Will
of the Father is done in me.” These statements we must make our own so
as to make it real in ourselves.