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                           Therefore any belief that separates you from your fellowman is but an
                    illusion and is not Truth. You never quarrel over the Truth you only quarrel over
                    your ideas of what Truth is. But Truth is and you are the Truth. I am the Truth.

                    No one can deny that you are living and living is Reality, for God alone lives.
                           When you have cleansed your mind from all that is error and illusion
                    then you will find that the Truth is there. It was always there, only needed
                    uncovering and this is the cleansing process of the mind.

                           Now Truth is not an idea or an image neither can you create It, that
                    which you create is not the Truth, it is only an idea of the Truth and not until
                    you have arrived at the Truth through the cleansing process, not until then can

                    you really create, for then there will be no doubt nor fear to hinder you.
                           In my next letter to you I will give you further instructions so that you
                    will become a greater and more powerful instrument for good, not only to

                    yourself but to all others whom you may contact. Only by becoming an active
                    worker now can you make all things new.

                           O Divine “One” who resides in all, teach us to cleanse the mind and
                    heal the body through the Divine Wisdom of Thy Presence.
                           Thou art my Father-Mother, my Friend, my Beloved, Thou art myself.

                           Thou hast created me in Thyself out of Thine own Substance and Thy
                    Spirit of Life is “I.”
                           O adorable One, how lovely Thou art when I see the best that is in me.

                           May the halo of Thy Presence be revealed to all minds, and in all lands
                    of earth, so that material worship be changed into worship of Thy Presence,
                    Thy Wisdom and Love,
                           So that we learn to love Thee most and see Thee everywhere,

                           So that Thy Spirit manifest Itself in all Its Divine qualities through
                    all mankind,
                           So that we learn that we are free from limitation, and imperfection

                    and misery,
                           So that Thy Kingdom which is within will manifest Itself without,
                    then I will know myself to be One with Thee.

                           O Beloved, Thy Love has made us “One,” making all things new.
                             MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU
                                                                                    Yours sincerely,

                                                                      M. MacDONALD-BAYNE

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