P. 166


                           “I am”—you are above all things, therefore you become positive to all
                    things relative to you but you must first find what is relative to you by this
                    exercise. Anything you can think about, see, feel and touch is relative. “I am”—you

                    are negative only to the great “I am” the great Creative God who is manifesting
                    Himself in and through you. With this understanding, whatever you ask, the Father
                    will do for you because you are virtually one.
                           As you assert your authority over all things, so do you subordinate

                    yourself to the “Greater,” the Father is greater than “I” and gladly and joyfully
                    open your soul to the inflow of His Divine Will, Wisdom and Love and all
                    things will be added unto you.

                           It is stated that Solomon asked God only for wisdom and with it all
                    other things were added, so it is with you and me.
                           It is the proper use of our thought action that is essential to our health

                    and happiness. Therefore the most important thing in our lives is to acquire
                    a knowledge of how to apply ourselves so that we can become an asset, not a
                    burden upon our fellows.

                           Therefore the first process is to have a mental house-cleaning so that
                    you can use your mind to work through. What I mean by a mental house-
                    cleaning is to see all that which is false, and this is not easy to accomplish
                    at first because of your rigid adherence to preconceived beliefs and ideas,

                    these are more often not your own but that which you have habitually con-
                    formed to for years.
                           Misconceptions and errors continually reproduce themselves but when

                    we begin to think deeply and logically and think from First Cause, errors and
                    misconceptions will naturally disappear.
                           If you accept something that you read or hear without applying your
                    Divine Wisdom to it then you are bound by that which you accept. If you

                    have been taught to conform to a certain belief through fear of what may befall
                    you if you do not adhere to this belief then you are a prisoner and freedom
                    is impossible. This conforming happens when the mind is young and it takes

                    some time before you can rid yourselves of the shackles that bind you.
                           YOU ARE FREE NOW, But this can only be realized by knowing
                    that God  you are one and never has it been otherwise. How can it ever be

                    otherwise when you and the Father are one and will be for ever. Your
                    thinking power, your Creative Power comes from the Father that is within
                    doing the work.

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