P. 163

January 1950
                    My dear friends,
                           We have entered the second half of the l9th Century and I give freely of

                    my blessing to you all that your life will be a joy to you and all those whom you
                    come in contact with. I have written the first letter of the year on making all things
                    new. This title was taken from the following letter I received the other day:
                           From O.F.S., “your newsletter means so much to me. The Sanctuary has

                    become a vital part of my life. You have made all things new. May God Bless
                    and keep you.” P.W.H.
                           From New Zealand, “I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your

                    wonderful help. Not only has my health improved but my whole outlook in life,
                    in fact you have done wonders for the whole family. May God bless your
                    wonderful work.” L.J.

                           From England, “I hardly know how to thank you. I owe you so much
                    for your great help, physically mentally and spiritually. God will surely bless such
                    faith as you have given to me.” H.R.S.

                           From Johannesburg, “about two weeks ago I asked for help for my little
                    grandchild who was suffering from rheumatic fever. I am grateful to say that she
                    is now completely healed. Our grateful thanks and God bless your wonderful
                    work.” E.N.

                           From O.F.S., “God bless you! Thank you a million times for all the help
                    and kindness, the baby and I are both fighting fit and my joy is so great. L.B.
                           From Cape Province, “a short time ago I asked my father’s name to

                    be put on the Sanctuary and now I thank you for your wonderful help. The
                    doctor told us that he could never get better, in fact would get steadily worse.
                    But now he is so well we cannot believe it is really true.” F.M.
                           And hundreds of others all similar, I wish I had space to give extracts

                    from them. They are all so wonderful, giving proof of the power of the Spirit
                    that makes all things new.

                                          MAKING ALL THINGS NEW

                           We have just entered another year, perhaps a more important year because

                    we have now entered the second half of the 19th Century, 1950.
                           We talk about making new resolutions yet these resolutions are of little
                    value to us unless we are aware of the truth of our Being.

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