P. 165
The “I”-you is the Creative faculty yet by itself the “I” is nothing.
The “I” must lose itself in the Whole to become Real, and it is this conscious
Creative “I am that I am” that truly governs, guides and directs, manipulates
and materializes.
Jesus says in other words, “ask in my name and the Father will do it
for you.
Ask in the name of the Son of God, the Son of the Father, recognizing
the Father as the Source of your being and He will do the work for you. “It
is the Father who ever remaineth within me He does the work.”
Now, there is a certain amount of training necessary to develop this power to
make all things new and I will direct you to a simple exercise that will develop
in you the realization of that great Self that underlies the individual self.
All Masters of Nature have at one time or another gained this realization
through developing the conscious awareness of the Self in relation to all things
relative to it.
In my own training I was directed to analyze the “not I” things until
I arrived at the realization that my mind and body were relative instruments in
which I was acting or creating. When this realization came I found that both
these instruments responded to my thought and direction. My health and
circumstances improved and although now in my 72nd*year I am young and
as virile as a man in the prime of life.
I found that with those highly advanced, the only difference was in
the degree of this realization. They were as gods as compared to the ordinary
man. But the real Power does not manifest Itself until the “I” has lost itself in
the great “I am” the Creator of all things.
As one develops the power to create through this realization, the attitude
towards things external becomes entirely different. They become just things, effects,
and therefore your reaction is also entirely different, which is one of the main
points in our mental make-up. It is all the time the mental attitude you take
towards the external that gives you power over it.
Your mind changes your body changes yet “I am that I am” never changes.
This is the Real you and will always be “you,” because it is not separated from
the Creative Power behind all things. “I am”—Consciousness and Life are
synonymous. The name is different but they are one and the same. Then be
careful that in your thinking you do not make “I am” relative, you must know it
is “you” “I am” that is thinking and creating. Thus you make all things new.
* Actually his 62nd year.