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                    hope for their fulfilment. If you will examine your mind carefully you will
                    see that these images exist side by side. Why do they exist side by side? Simply
                    because you do not understand the Law of “Faith” which is the Law of Creation,

                    when you believe you have received you shall have.
                           When we look into the teachings of the Man of Galilee we see how true
                    they are. The parting gift of the Man of Galilee will ever remain with us and his
                    wisdom will always be in  the world as a guide to our minds and hearts.

                           When man ceases to look through evil eyes and looks with eyes filled with
                    Light then the Reality of Perfection will come into the world so surely as day
                    follows night, for when the Divine Light shines forth, no darkness can remain.

                           “Truly, truly I tell you, he who believes in me will do the very deeds
                    I do and still greater deeds than these.”
                           We must see the vision of perfect “faith” not as a star in the far distance

                    but Ever-present within us, we will know ourselves to be one with the perfect
                    Law of Liberty. We will live in that true vision of “faith” and “when you have
                    seen me you have seen the Father.”

                           The birth of the Christ is for everyone, and with this realization the
                    outward change will take place, “the inner becomes the outer and the outer
                    the inner.” Believe that it is done and it will be done. Believe in God first, then
                    believe in yourself, is the secret of true “faith” which the Master demonstrated

                    for our sakes. We hereby acknowledge his greatness so that we may also
                    become like him.

                           O Master Mariner, take charge of my ship for Thou art the Wisdom
                    of my soul.
                           I was buffeted by the winds and waves in my ignorance of Thy Presence.

                           The sea of my mind was ruffled with fear and doubt and Thy reflection
                    was indistinct.
                           Now that Thou art Captain of my ship, it is heading towards Thy shore.

                           O Master Mariner, take charge of my ship always, then I know I am
                    safe, for where Thy Presence is all is well, this is my “Faith,” O Beloved One.

                             MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU.

                                                                                    Yours sincerely,

                                                                      M. MacDONALD-BAYNE

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