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not to turn away but to know that the one Supreme Infinite Intelligence is ever
active and knows how. The Intelligence that is greater is acting on your behalf.
This state of consciousness keeps the mind open so that the Creator can
work in you to bring about the fulfilment of your heart’s desire. But you must
keep the consciousness open to the “greater than I” that is Ever-present in your
affairs. Just wherever you are there He is. If you can be conscious of this even
when things seem to go wrong you will prove your faith by your work.
In your daily tasks remember you are never alone. God works with
you for you can never be apart. If you will listen He will show you what to
do, and He works with you. It is a grand, grand story and is the truest and most
magnificent story ever told.
So open your mind to His Mind so that your greatest Friend can help
you for He knows how. Even if you do not understand all, He will bring about
things in the perfect way. This is the mental attitude you must have about your
problems. If you are at peace about it then the work will continue. But if you
think that God has forsaken you because you do not get what you want, the
mental attitude deters the perfect manifestation whether it be a desire for
health, happiness or abundance.
“Acknowledge Him in all thy ways (actions),” is the secret of greatness,
for He alone is great and He shall make you great also if you will but believe.
Forget the self for the self always stands in the way, then your works shall
prove your faith and only by your works are you justified.
The mind of man has not yet dreamed of all the good things the Father
has prepared for those who love Him. To love God is to love your neighbour. If
this Love is not in you how can you expect good things. Jesus said, “Father
forgive them for they know not what they do.” “As much as you do unto one
of those so you do unto me.”
Faith is built upon constant awareness of the indwelling Presence of
God everywhere. This will give you the power to create without limitation
because you will be constantly alive in Him.
In I John 5:14-15 we read, “now the confidence we have in Him is this,
that He listens to us whenever we ask anything in accordance with His will;
and if we know that He listens to whatever we ask, we know that we obtain
the request we have made to Him.”
Jesus and the prophets reveal God to man by their works, by their
sayings, by their miracles, using them as a means of opening the door of