P. 202


                           We do not exist as separate individuals but as units in one whole. In
                    the Bible we read, “by the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the
                    host of them by the breath of His mouth.”

                           Jesus said, “let the dead bury the dead.” They were those who believed
                    in death. If you fear death you are as the dead. The “Living” do not fear death.
                    The dead are burdened by the past, by memory, by time. But for the Living
                    the present is the Eternal. You weave the net of time so your thought is

                    caught-up in it.
                           The “dead” seek Life but Life cannot be found in the belief of death.
                    The Timeless has neither beginning nor end. The self, the maker of time must

                    yield itself to the Timeless.
                           “I and the Father are one,” this reveals the Ever-present, the birthless,
                    deathless, timeless. Oh, if I could only make you “see”! It is not by constantly

                    asserting that you are whole that you become whole, such repetition is but
                    self-hypnosis. To gain freedom, wisdom and love there must be true understanding
                    and a knowledge of the self, not mere repetition that drugs the mind.

                           “I of myself am nothing, it is the Father who ever remaineth within
                    me, He doeth the work.”


                           O Divine Nature, Thou art the essence of my soul, my wanderings
                    in the forest of doubt delayed my understanding of Thy Presence.

                           As sleeping sons and daughters of God awaken, so does my greater
                    self awaken more and more.
                           Sons and daughters of God understand that they have everything the
                    Father has. “I and the Father are one.” This realization gives dominion over all

                    things even as the Father has. This is my Birthright, O Divine One.

                             MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU

                                                                                    Yours sincerely,
                                                                      M. MacDONALD-BAYNE

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