P. 200


                           It is not a question of balancing your mind between opposites where your
                    mind becomes the battleground for conflict. Only when the mind is free from
                    conflict can there be peace and harmony.

                           If your mind is caught up in desire, craving, selfishness and separation,
                    the ecstasy of Infinite Love and Wisdom can never be known, and whatever
                    you seek will end in conflict.
                           The only foundation for true happiness is when your actions are

                    in accordance with the highest that is within you, then your rewards
                    are phenomenal.
                           When this state exists there is security, there is joy and conflict disappears.

                    You no longer crave for qualities you think you should have or not have, you
                    have that quality that is harmony itself.
                           Virtues and their opposites are but craving of the mind that is full of

                    conflict through fear. This is separation in its most subtle form. When you are
                    free from that bundle of “qualities” then there is no fear, no opposites, there
                    is only love and wisdom and in Reality that is all there is. As long as your

                    mind is caught up in false values there can be no realization of that Life in which
                    there is no distinction, no separation, no craving, no time, no opposites. If you
                    can grasp the true meaning of this then your action becomes pure action in
                    which there is no reaction.

                           If you are continually occupied with the self, which is selfishness where
                    there is attraction, repulsion and continual effort, then this Life that is free
                    cannot be understood and cannot be experienced. You just put yourself in

                    a cage which separates you from your fellows.
                           If you will take time to think you will see that all thought is limited
                    by the state of consciousness of the individual who thinks. To understand that
                    which is limitless, unconditioned you cannot have your mind burdened by the

                    thought of the self.
                           If your mind is burdened with the conflict of ethics you will not understand
                    Truth. But if your mind is no longer bound up in the self nor bound by virtues,

                    by distinctions, by tradition and formalities then you will comprehend what
                    I mean by pure action, spontaneous action that is free from separateness.
                           If you are seeking happiness then this understanding cannot be postponed.

                    You must free yourself from false values to have enlightenment. Ignorance is
                    not an absence of learning but the confusion and conflict of a mind that lacks
                    true values, and the acquiring of this requires the discernment of your motives,

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