P. 196

JULY 1950

                    by family and worldly troubles. The ordinary person is smothered by the world
                    and cannot see the way or hear the Voice. He succumbs to his environment
                    and loses the power to create with Nature the beauty and harmony of Life.

                           As we read on in Proverbs it says, “O heedless souls, learn insight,
                    O foolish folk, learn sense! Listen, for I have a weighty message, my lips open
                    with right words, I utter what is true, false lips I loathe, all I say is honest, with
                    nothing in it false or wrong; ‘tis all plain to a man of sense, and true for those

                    who are intelligent. Choose instruction rather than silver, and knowledge rather
                    than rare gold, for wisdom is better than rubies, no treasure is equal to her.’
                           In reading this verse in Proverbs the prophet understood the true meaning

                    of the Spirit, Life, which in Itself is everything, so the foolish separate and
                    destroy while the wise unite with Reality to create.
                           Be a world lover, then we must be for everyone, only in this way can

                    the beautiful in others be awakened. The more we have lit the light of genius in
                    ourselves the more shall we be able to understand and serve. Service and love
                    are the pillars we must have to make our structure secure.

                           When we understand the great Master and live in his world, we will
                    also give to the world that eternal beauty that is seen from the mountain top of
                    realization. Yet we must live in the valleys as well, because we can only be
                    great when we can become as humble as the babe, for there is the Life in

                    its purity. In this may we find true culture.
                           We can only hear the “Voice” clearly when we have this culture, this
                    interest, this enthusiasm. Pay attention to all things physical, mental and Spiritual; our

                    physical well-being is the reflection of our Spiritual Being, to take an interest in the
                    body is as much Spiritual as to take an interest in our soul, for one clothes
                    the other, this all tends to our true culture.
                           We must get that perfect refinement and sense of culture, Spiritual, mental

                    and physical, for one is the reflection of the other. It is the attitude that we
                    create through understanding that counts, not what class we are in, or what
                    religion we belong to or what type we belong to. These are but distinctions

                    and divisions and are only temporary things in a passing world.
                           Beware of the pitfall of virtues and their opposites, either is of little value
                    to one who is struggling. Hell and the Devil are as barren as the wilderness to a

                    struggling soul. Remember yourself when you were struggling, what was
                    it that helped you most? Proof of the existence of the “Presence of God” in
                    yourself. Then give it to others in similar circumstances. Lose yourselves

                    in others and yet retain your own vision, the Voice of Intuition.

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