P. 195


                           Intuition is the whisper of the Spirit, therefore to hear this Voice there must be
                    harmony of the emotions and the mind, only under these conditions can the true
                    Self express Itself.

                           We must have strong feelings of Love and Kindness, a person with no
                    feelings is useless. It is the person who is hard, indifferent that cannot create or
                    construct. There is no true creative ability when we are limited and bound
                    in our own ignorance.

                           A great lover is never a small person, there is something wonderful in
                    the expression of Love and Kindness. The more feelings we have the better. The
                    idea that we should have no feelings or emotions is absurd and unspiritual.

                           The more we are bubbling over with feeling the better. We must direct
                    the energy of our emotions into constructive channels. Otherwise we wander
                    away on the bypaths instead of on the main highway.

                           We must go out and be adventurous, but in that adventurous spirit we
                    must know where we are going, not wandering aimlessly along in the wake of

                           To be alive we must have our mind and emotions alive all day long,
                    active not dormant. The Spirit is creative, It is action Itself. Interest comes
                    to those who are truly civilized.
                           Even if we have been mellowed by experience and suffering through

                    years of wrong application of our Creative Power, this should not now deter us
                    but make us more eager, more interested, for the only way we can follow the
                    Voice is through enthusiasm for the Whole of Life.

                           If we have this enthusiasm we will find that this Voice of the Spirit that is
                    “restless” in us for experience, will become our guide and friend and the only
                    authority in our lives. Then we will find ourselves one with all things and as we
                    obey the Spirit so we will find that all Nature will obey us, she is virtually at our

                    command. But first of all we must have the capacity to lose the sense of the
                    separate self, for in separation there is limitation, conflict and sorrow.
                           The nearer we are to this Truth the nearer we are to the Creator of all

                    things. It is only the separate self—this division which the self creates that
                    stands in the way.
                           To hear the Voice we must be on the alert, even if we have to grope

                    at first, until our interest and enthusiasm is awakened, then our vision will
                    be clear and strong and the flame of genius burns within us.
                           A genius is one who sees his goal and whose enthusiasm is ever alive.

                    The only struggle is to keep the vision undimmed by the petty things of Life,

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