P. 198

August 1950

                    My dear friends,

                           You will be interested to know that more names have been added to
                    the Sanctuary than in any previous month since its inception and the work
                    done has been revealed by the many hundreds of letters of thanks received

                    this month.
                           Here are two of the hundreds received this month, sorry I have not
                    room for more in the letter.

                           “Words cannot express my grateful thanks for what the Sanctuary has
                    done for us. Within one week of putting my husband’s name in the Sanctuary
                    he got the position he had been waiting for for years.” J.C.T.

                           “I wish to compliment you on your June Monthly Letter. Of all the
                    excellent letters penned by you I think this is one of the best. I was particularly
                    impressed with your emphasis that ‘authority and tradition . . . . are cages

                    in which we live.’ ‘Freeing our inner Reality from all its cages no matter what
                    they may be, religious or otherwise.’
                           “You have been a great source of inspiration to me and, I know, to many
                    hundreds of students. You are teaching the unadulterated Truth—stripped of all

                    dogma or religious punching.” Dr. W.
                           Dr. W., I am greatly interested in your letter because I have had so many
                    letters about my June letter, therefore this month I have written another one

                    which in fact is deeper. The understanding of it will enable you to free yourselves
                    from destructive reactions, thoughts, and emotions that tie you up and hold you
                    bound in a prison created by yourselves. Therefore this letter requires very
                    deep contemplation. It must be read and studied carefully.

                           I know there are many who will not fully understand the meaning of this
                    month’s letter but if they will try and understand, free from prejudices and accepted
                    beliefs, they will obtain more results than they would from a thousand letters of

                    telling them something that they already know.

                           ARE YOU CAUGHT UP IN YOUR OWN THOUGHTS,

                                        EMOTIONS AND REACTIONS?

                           “Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee and thou shalt

                    glorify me.” Psalm 50: 15.

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