P. 199


                           When conditions seem severe denying them or trying to run away from
                    them does not alter them, only by understanding can we master all conditions.
                           Some will say that nervous conditions exist because of our lack of control

                    of our mind. But when you are only controlling your mind and thoughts you
                    are not understanding, you are merely contracting and this brings suppression
                    which is the cause of nervous conditions through fear.
                           You try to control your mind because you are afraid of what your

                    thoughts may produce. Some live in perpetual fear of what their thoughts will
                    produce for them. This is truly a lack of understanding of the Law of Creation.
                    Your mind is a vehicle through which many thoughts pass. When you look at

                    them as you would look at a flock of birds passing across a windless sky leaving
                    no trace you are free from their influence. Only when you fear them do you
                    drag them into your consciousness. “What I feared has come upon me.”

                           What is necessary is to have a pliable mind with understanding then
                    there is an immediate discernment of right values. Therefore control becomes
                    unnecessary. Controlling of the mind in this sense means limitation because it

                    becomes dominated by the idea of fear or the idea of escape.
                           When ideas come into your mind you try to brush them aside, at the
                    same time you try to focus your attention on a particular idea in opposition
                    to the idea or thought which you wish to escape from.

                           You will note that is not thinking. You are merely caught up in a struggle
                    between ideas. Thus you are causing repressions and confusion without gaining
                    any results.

                           When thoughts or ideas you do not desire come into your mind do not
                    fight with them or struggle with them, allow them to enter into your mind and
                    discern their true value. When you receive thoughts or ideas you will notice
                    that they are relative to you and then you can do what you like with them.

                           The true function of the mind is to receive thoughts and ideas without
                    strain. Then there is peace, and turmoil ceases. Mental alertness is the state
                    you should cultivate then you will discern what is happening. Anything that is

                    contrary to the happiness of your fellows would then be abandoned and
                    happiness is secured through co-operation.
                           Many people who think they are Spiritual are strained, they imitate and

                    hence are caught up in struggle. “True Being” is Living, you do not have
                    to imitate if you crave to be something, you will pursue your craving only to be
                    caught up in sorrow and confusion.

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