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who is acquiring faith. In James 2: 14 we read, “what does it profit, my
brethren, that a man say he hath faith and have not works . . .” “Even so faith, if
hath not works is dead, being alone.” This means that to have Faith only and
not use it then it dies in us. It is the use of Faith that keeps it alive. “Yea, a man
may say, thou hast faith and I have works. Show me thy faith without thy
works and I will show thee my faith by my works.” “. . . . But wilt thou know,
o vain man, that faith without works is dead . . . Ye see then how that by works
a man is justified and not by faith only . . . for the body without the Spirit is
dead. So faith without works is dead.”
If you say then that you have faith, prove it by your works. You are
known by your works and not by your faith only. This is the all important
point in this letter. Action is needed to prove our faith.
We do not have to solve Life, we have to experience Life and the
right way to do this is through action. We have to train our minds to refuse
suggestions from without that are contrary to the power of the Spirit that is
Life and action. Without action you could not be alive now, for God formed
you and me and is ever active in us now and now is “Eternal.”
With this Cosmic wisdom resident within your own consciousness
you can back every action without limitation of any kind, when you know this
to be true. The prophet says, “he who cometh to God must believe that He is.”
And the Master shows us that God is within us, waiting to come into action on
our behalf and there can be no mental distance between yourself and the
Creator, “What is Mine is thine.”
Now move into action knowing: that God is now active within you
and your affairs. You must be ever watchful lest your mind be caught up in
the manifestation and lose the realization of the living Presence that is manifesting
in you. For if you lose the realization of that which creates, that which you
create turns to ashes. “It is the Lord thy God that giveth thee all things.”
We are allowed to ask whatever we will and are given the assurance
that it will be granted provided we play our part in the receiving. When we
expect an meal we must sit at the table. We must arrive at the definite and
permanent conclusion by our reasoning that God is present within us now,
before we can act intelligently.
If you start out with certainty and then fail to continue in that certainty
because the thing has not come about as you planned, then you do not understand
that the Divine Intelligence is active in your affairs. The mind must be trained