P. 282
God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son “Love” into
the world so that all could have Eternal Life through him. “When you have
seen me, you have seen the Father.”
God is Love therefore Love is not relative. It is a reality beyond analysis.
Immediately you try to analyze Love, you have lost it. Love defies analysis
for the simple reason Love is beyond mind. The mind of man can become
aware of Love but does not know what It is, we only know that It is.
When Love is in full force the self does not exist because Love swallows up
the self in Its expression. This is the great Truth we must learn if we are to love
and be loved.
To be truly loved there is a union in which the self disappears. You
should not try to recapture those moments because you then make Love relative,
just a memory. Love is always present and flows into the soul at any time
the soul makes way for It. But when the self is in evidence there can be no true
Love. If you want to feel the joy of Love you must lose yourself in Love.
Perhaps you think you love your wife, your husband, your children.
The great test is how much self is in your Love. Do you do things for Love
or do you do things because you Love? To truly Love you must become
Love Itself.
Most of our troubles today arise from the fact that as a child our natural
Love (God’s Love), born in us died because It was never given a chance to
express Itself through the ignorance of our parents, who themselves did not
know how to Love. Yes, a wife or a husband may be a dutiful wife or husband
and dutiful parents but have they learned the art of true Loving? Most have
not, because their parents and their parent’s parents did not understand
what Love meant.
They thought that to Love God was a virtue but this virtue became
a vice because they mostly saw evil in others. There is no Love in this kind
of virtue. One may try to do good or try to be virtuous but that is not Love,
that is going away from Love. Love is an inward “Unknowable virtue” that
takes no cognition of any of these things, for It Itself is free, complete in all
its goodness. It is like honey, it lives in its own sweetness.
True love does not bind another through possessiveness or dependence.
Love is the expression of God who loves all irrespective of who or what
they are. God’s only concern is our happiness that is why when we seek
happiness we can only get it from that which is within and not from without.
When you love others, all you will be concerned with is their happiness. But