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                    whom we all live and have our Being, and who lives in all of us, always waiting
                    patiently for us to open up to His love and beauty so that the Christ will be
                    made manifest upon earth.

                           It was in Jerusalem after his resurrection that Jesus told his disciples
                    to meet him in a spacious room they had chosen by his command. Jesus then
                    instructed his disciples to go to a mountain he had appointed and he would
                    meet them there. Jesus said to them, “full authority has been given to me

                    in heaven and on earth, go and make disciples of all nations. Baptise them
                    in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teach them
                    to obey all the commands I have laid on you that ye love one another, and

                    at all times I will be with you to the very end of the world.”
                           “Those who believe in the Christ and the Love of God shall heal the
                    sick and will cause the blind to see and the deaf to hear and the lame to walk,

                    and shall not be harmed even should they tread on deadly serpents nor burned
                    should they pass through flames.” “The secret things that I have told you may
                    now be told to the world, you shall make them known to the faithful, who

                    will in turn reveal them unto others until the time will come when all the world
                    may hear and comprehend the words of the Truth and power of the Love
                    of God, the Christ made manifest.”


                           O Infinite Love, Thy Son came and tore away the veil that hid Eternal

                    Life and appeared in Thy Holy Temple not made with hands. When I close my
                    eyes and seek to grasp Infinity my brain cannot fathom Thy Infinitude.
                           But when I open my eyes and gaze upon the Eternal Christ I behold
                    Thy Cosmic Presence of Love. And as I hear the throb of the one Heart and

                    feel the one Love and see the one Life in all I know now, he came to give love
                    and to serve all. He appeared as Immortal Life to destroy death.
                           He came as a babe to unite parents in greater unselfish Divine Love,

                    born in the child. He was the Fountain of Joy in human hearts, he showed the
                    Cosmic Mind in human consciousness and as he passed beyond the Creation
                    of time and space I found immortality in him who was once man.

                          MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU
                                                                                    Yours sincerely,
                                                                      M. MacDONALD-BAYNE

                    *  Digest version of Lecture #10 (4th December 1951) in the book “Life More Abundant.”

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