P. 283
how can you help others to find that happiness unless you have first found
Love yourself?
Have you hamstrung yourself? Many have, for the simple reason that
they although good kind and generous, do not know how to open up the flow
of the Living Water of Love from within, this can only be done when the self
has disappeared. If the self is always in evidence then there can be no true
Physical relationship in itself is not Love, but true Love makes physical
relationship beautiful and raises it up to the Divine Nature that created us in
this way. When you know this Love you are always in Love. Looking at a
beautiful sunset, a lovely scene in Nature, you can only enjoy this as if you
were one with each other, there is no need to talk or say a word because the self
has disappeared.
Love is not a mental or a physical thing, Love is Spiritual. That is why
one grows naturally in the surroundings of Love. Love is not taking, but
giving in such a way that the other grows in the soil of Love in freedom.
It is just piercing the minds of those who have the welfare of children
and human beings at heart that Love is the most essential thing in their lives.
The cause of most delinquency is the fact that the inherent Love within has
been thwarted. The world to these becomes drab indeed. We will bring our
inherent beauty to the surface when we begin to love, for there is little wrong
with those who truly love.
When you are Love itself you are never angry when another does
something wrong, there is a friendliness that leads to the human heart, which
leads to right thinking. Even the worst offenders will respond to Love and you
will find that the inherent beauty within the soul will come to the surface.
To check, criticize and denounce or punish is a hindrance to the true
expression of the love of God, that is within each one of us. Good citizenship is
brought into being by Love and not by harshness, both in the home and in
the institution.
The beautiful wife, the clever child or the brilliant husband is excellent
and brings approval but that is not Love, sometimes the ugly duckling is more
fortunate. Love is expressed through the touch of the hand, the tone of the
voice, the look in the eye, the smile on the face and the absence of the self.
“O Love, where art thou?”
The way to make children loving is to love them selflessly, respecting
them as people, as individual souls for they may be much older than you. Let