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them grow up with individuality. Some people smother their children with
everything, doing everything for them, thus destroying their independence.
Some parents offer something in return for their obedience or for their
good behaviour, thus “buying off” leads to disaster later on. When the child grows
up he or she thinks that they can buy themselves out of anything and when
this fails there is frustration, disappointment and misery. You must never
confuse the issue, appeasement is not Love.
When one loves, one acts normally, when one does not love, one
acts abnormally. We must look deeper than the outer self to find peace and
love. Some are continually caught up in the net of a guilty conscience,
think of the prodigal son, the Father never held anything against him, only
his brother did that.
When you begin to realize the Truth you will begin to love your
neighbour and also yourself. If you love your neighbour first, you will be
better able to love yourself. But if you are always seeing the bad in your
neighbour you are sure to see it also in yourself. The Master said, “take the
plank out of your own eye, you hypocrite, and you may see better how to
take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” Live in Reality of Love more
than you would do in the relative world and all will be well.
Many illnesses have their root in carrying the burden too long or too
far through introspection. Love is the cure—lose yourself in Love. This Love
does not mean that you only Love your wife, your husband, your children and
a few friends there must be the capacity to Love, the capacity for goodwill
towards all. This is the only way that the world will change. If we hate people
we will be hated, if we dislike we will be disliked, if we love we will be loved.
Why not try and follow in the Master’s footsteps and see what will happen,
individually and collectively? The world will be made over to Love, and there
will be peace and goodwill to all men.
Paul says, “Love is very patient, very kind, Love knows no Jealousy,
love makes no parade, gives itself no airs, is never rude, never selfish, never
irritated, never resentful. Love is never glad when others go wrong, love is
gladdened by goodness, always slow to expose, always eager to believe the best,
always hopeful, always patient, Love never disappears.”
The Master says, “I give you a new command, to love one another—as
I have loved you, you are to love one another; by this everyone will recognize
that you are my disciples if you have love one for another.” This is the message
of the Master who was Love Itself, the blessed son of the Loving Father in