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this we have proved to ourselves as well as through independent experiments
in the research laboratories.
With this understanding we know that the mind has no power of its
own because it is relative. But this belief in the power of the mind has
crept into the various philosophies and psychological writings, with the
result that the acceptance of this belief has prevented many ardent students
from going further. That is why I say that to accept a belief of another you
become an imitator which prevents the acquisition of new knowledge.
Matter has no power of its own because it is mind in a grosser form.
Mind and matter are not separated, they are interchangeable. Mind is a
substance in which our thoughts manifest.
Thought, to be really creative, must be free from conditioning, that is, it
must be free from its own ignorance, it must be free from its own experience,
its conditioned memory, free from prejudice and all that conditions it.
Thought can arise from our reactions to things and people, from limited
knowledge, from beliefs, from conclusions, from fear etc. If we can discern
from where it arises and how it is influenced we can free it. If we do not
understand this we are led into many difficulties of our own making.
Mind is passive in nature, it accepts and reflects what the consciousness
feels. Thought is the projection of that feeling, that is why we suffer from
our own thoughts. So mind becomes form when thought and feeling are
infused into it.
Creative thought is the Universal Intelligence in action, free from
conditioning, this is Love and Wisdom. Love-Wisdom is above mind, yet
mind is the instrument through which It is expressed. It comes into operation
when the mind is at peace, when there is perfect stillness. This stillness is
not obtained by controlling our thinking, but through the discernment of what
we are thinking and how we are thinking, what our thoughts are and how
they arise, when we see the false it dies, in the death of the false there is
Life, Love and Wisdom.
The mind is like the ground, when we plant a seed the Intelligence
produces its kind. It is our false beliefs that prevent the Real from flourishing,
these beliefs are like weeds that choke the Real. Thoughts are seeds in the
plane of mind reproducing their kind.
Now thought of itself is not creative, it is the consciousness that is
creative. Just as mind is not creative, yet it is the means through which creation
takes place.