P. 430
When we understand anything it no longer troubles us. It is only when
we do not understand that thought rises again and again to confront us.
The Christ is the Wisdom of God in man, the Word that was in the
beginning, the Word that was with God, and that Word was God. No one can
take this Wisdom away from man, man is blinded for a time through the
ignorance of his own accumulations, which burden that true expression of
the Christ.
When man begins to understand himself, his confusion disappears
and his confidence returns. Then he becomes really creative, with the result
that he accomplishes all, through the realization of his true Spiritual nature,
free from acquisitiveness and superstition.
To serve is to receive, not that we serve to receive for this would mean
separation. To know that we are one with Reality can only be experienced
when we know that which is not Reality. When the mind is free then the
Infinite is realized, manifesting in Its own creation.
When the eliminating process of our bodies is clogged we get sick, so it
is with the mind. There must be freedom of the incoming and the outgoing.
Through the tranquillity of the mind the Consciousness of Reality
becomes man’s creativeness—the channel for the expression of the Whole. It
was this that the Master knew when he said, “when you have seen me you
have seen the Father.”
Silence comes when the false has dissolved away. In this quietness
and peace the Infinite Intelligence moves silently in Its own Creativeness.
Wisdom-Love creates its own perfect state of happiness, for it is joy Itself,
we come into our inheritance. “Son, thou art ever with me, what I have is
thine also.”
We see then what we must do, we must give up our limitations, our
enslavement, our self-pity. We will no longer believe in them. We do not put
something else in their place as we are told to do by those who are ignorant of
the Truth, for we would only be substituting one error for another. We will
dissolve these things away through understanding discernment, then the
Eternal Truth—The Ever-present—takes their place. There is no struggle to
hold on to an idea, for we know that an idea is just another formulation of
the mind. The Timeless is Ever-present in the Now, we do not create It.
We do not have to hold on to the “idea” of our Divine Nature, we
know we are Divine. No matter what difficulties we have created through