P. 433


                           Recently I took a look at some books on Truth, I wanted to see what
                    the writers had to say. Everyone of them tried to explain the Truth and each had
                    a different idea.

                           One said that his purpose was to reach God, all the time he was
                    really going away from God into a maze of ideas which he formulated in
                    his own mind. So in the end he tried to explain what God was from his
                    own experiences.

                           After all, most of us are seeking a way of Life, a way of conduct. So
                    we either look to others, to the past, or we try to find a mode of behaviour
                    through our own experiences. But are not our experiences conditioned by

                    the past? Therefore our pattern is conditioned by the past!
                           No matter how great our experiences are, they are conditioned by the
                    past and any new experiences must only strengthen the past. If we look to

                    another or to the past are we not forcing the extraordinary vitality of Life into a
                    mould, a particular shape, and thereby lose the richness of Life Itself?
                           So we must find out clearly what we mean by a purpose. If my purpose

                    is to reach God, I must know God, I must have the measure and depth of
                    God, but this is impossible.
                           If my mind is caught-up in my experiences of the past or what I have
                    heard from others, can I find Reality by this means? Can I know what Reality

                    is when all I have is an idea, a belief, an experience, a memory which I call
                    Reality? I think not.
                           Reality is Unknown. How can the mind that is caught-up find Reality?

                    If my mind is clouded and burdened with the known it can only measure
                    according to its conditioning, its own limitation, and therefore can never know
                    the Unknown.
                           I can never reach the Unknown if my mind is conditioned through

                    an idea of what Reality is. My Reality will still conform to my idea. But
                    Reality does not conform to any idea or belief. If I free my mind from the
                    past, from ideas and beliefs and desires that condition it, through discerning

                    clearly that the purpose I had was measured according to the dictates of my
                    conditioning, then discernment will lead to freedom and in freedom alone
                    is Reality.

                           To find out the purpose of Life the mind must be free of measurement
                    otherwise you can only project your own want. Your desire creates the purpose
                    but that is not the purpose of Life.

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