P. 438

                                     ABSOLUTE THROUGH FREEDOM*

                                        “Take dross from silver, and the silver
                                           shines out pure; . . .” Prov. 25: 4.

                           When we are caught-up in our own creations we lose our creativeness.

                    Real Creativeness is feeling the Omnipresence within. Although we live in
                    the manifested world, the realization of the Eternal Presence within makes
                    all things relative.

                           The majority of people know only the objective world, a world that
                    formulates laws, regulations, creeds, dogmas, etc., that cause separation. These
                    people are not aware of the “One”  Life that is Creative yet formless, a

                    Life that is Eternal and Ever-present in Its Omnipresence. It is this one Life
                    that we must realize, a Life that is free from all conditioning and which is
                    our Life.

                           When we are aware of the “One” Life which is also our Life, service
                    becomes a joy for then we will be expressing Life —translating Life into our
                    daily living. Without this we will be continually expressing our conditioning
                    and from which there is no escape except through understanding how it

                    comes about. When we understand our conditioning and how it comes about,
                    it falls away from us, then freedom comes.
                           Freedom is living in the Ever-present. This is living in Reality and

                    not being caught-up in the past, or the future, or the relative world, which
                    we think is real, when it is but the manifestation that has no creativeness of
                    its own.
                           When Jesus said, “Lazarus, come forth,” he was speaking from the

                    Ever-present Life in which there could be no limitation. If we do not
                    understand this we will be limited by the physical form in which we exist

                           As Jesus spoke from the unlimited state of his own consciousness, we
                    must do the same, realizing the Ever-present Eternal Life now, moment to
                    moment, I am the Life not in the past or in the future but now in the Ever-

                           When we are caught-up in the past, in the future, in opposites, in good
                    and evil, which we think are realities, while in themselves they are nothing

                    *  See Notes page 441
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