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look upon it. This is the Creativeness within being given free expression
through an unconditioned mind. The Unmanifested—the Uncreated Life
manifesting in us is given release through freedom, and only through freedom
is this realized.
Let us understand this clearly that man and not God made yesterday
and tomorrow. God is the Ever-present Life and to live in the Ever-present
Life is freedom. The Spirit of God is the Christ in mankind and is the Ever-present
Life that knows no past or future being Ever-present and Eternal.
The Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father, that exists in the
whole of humanity and does not age nor die, ageing and dying are man’s
mental conditioning. When you have discovered this through your awareness
moment to moment the Eternal Christ is revealed. “As ye know me as I am so
shall you be.” The same Christ two thousand years ago is the same Christ
This Truth does not exist in the conditioned mind, yet all must come
to the same state as Jesus did in revealing the Christ of God. But it cannot
be done while man is caught-up in his different beliefs, in his enmity, his
antagonisms. While man conforms to a ritual, to a pattern, he will be con-
ditioned and all he can do is to express his conditioning. Not until he frees
himself from his conditioning can he find the Truth that sets him free.
Man is still eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good
and Evil. Not until he becomes aware of what he is doing to himself will
he cease eating the fruit of ignorance and cling to the Tree of Life which
alone is his salvation.
Man must become aware of his oneness with the Ever-present Reality
and not something afar off which he can never reach. Man must become
aware of the Christ filling the whole Consciousness, then we will cease to
be at war with ourselves and others.
Through our true relationship with one another we will find peace
and happiness. In the personal sense there is always pain and conflict. Yet
through discerning thoroughly this limitation we will find the unlimited, the
Beloved within ourselves. Then our affection becomes free from attachment,
free from possessiveness and glorious in Its expression, for we will know
our neighbour as ourselves. “Whatsoever you do unto the least of these so
you do unto me.”
“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the
Spirit is Spirit.” John 3: 6.