P. 443

May 1954

                    My dear friends,

                           “Your Life Renewed Every Day,” is the greatest tonic in the world.
                    This little book I have just published is meant to cleanse the mind of all

                    that is preventing Life’s renewing process in your everyday living and should
                    be read in a way that enables the reader to understand the self which is the
                    hindrance to Life’s true expression.

                           It will be seen that this Life Intelligence is not released through an idea of
                    It nor what the mind makes up in regard to It. It is when the mind is freed from
                    its own fabrication can this all-knowing Creative Power express Itself.

                           When the mind is confused with ideas it is like the turbulent sea. Only
                    when this turmoil ceases does there come a silence that is not created and
                    in this Silence only is the Creative Power realized.
                           The Ever-present Intelligence that built the body, the brain and the

                    nervous system through which It expresses Itself, existed before It created
                    the body and will exist in the Ever-present after the body has dissolved into the
                    Universal Substance out of which it was created.

                           The past and the future are merely memories and ideas which exist
                    but in the mind and can never reveal the Ever-present Reality.
                           Therefore self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom and inner
                    transformation. Transformation comes into operation without effort or struggle.

                    It is the natural outcome of the dissolving of the false. Neither can Reality
                    be experienced through an idea of It. It is only when ideas cease to be that
                    we experience that which is beyond ideas.

                           I hope this little book will be of great benefit to you in your daily living,
                    renewing your life every day. I should like to hear from you how this book
                    has helped you every day. You can have an autographed copy, if you so

                    desire, when ordering your copy.
                           I want to thank you for the many letters received this month. I regret
                    that there is no room in this letter to reprint any.

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