P. 439


                    but the product of our own minds, in reaction to our own conditioning, we
                    live in limitation and confusion.
                           Life alone is Creative and to “Be” “I am” is to create, “becoming”

                    can never be creative. Unless we understand this we will forever live in
                    limitation, in opposites. When we are caught-up in our ignorance we lose
                    the creativeness that can speak the word, “Lazarus, come forth.”
                           When we have discerned all these hindrances there will arise an

                    awareness which is an expression of Reality Itself. Then we will know that
                    there is no such thing as limitation in Reality, but Reality expressing Itself
                    in which there is no limitation. When we experience this we will know the

                    meaning of, “When you have seen me, you have seen the Father.”
                           In my world of form, Reality breathes without limitation. But if I am
                    caught-up in the form this is my limitation. Jesus said, “the flesh has no say in

                    the matter.” This we find to be true when we are not limited by the form in
                    which we exist.
                           The Absolute to me is no longer some remote abstraction but the

                    Livingness of which “I am.” There is no separation between that which is
                    manifest and the Unmanifested—the Uncreated, yet the Uncreated is alone
                    Creative, this is “I am that I am.”
                           The Created cannot speak for itself for it has no say in the matter.

                    When you have found this out from within yourself then you are free. It
                    cannot be my word or a word of another, for then it would be but a belief
                    and this is but a mental formulation, you can never experience Truth through

                    an image or a belief.
                           Creativeness is within all of us and we all are expressing our Creativeness
                    in different ways. Yet It is the same Creativeness. There can be no other for
                    there is only “One.” But if we are caught-up in the creation we are no longer

                    Creative, so we crave and we desire, we covet our neighbour’s goods. We
                    battle, we struggle, we create strife, conflict and misery.
                           If we could but realize that we can give shape to creative ideas in

                    which there is no separation, no limitation, for that which is working in us
                    is that which is manifesting in the manifested Universe, then we would be

                           Life remains Itself, no matter in what form it is expressing Itself.
                    When this is understood to the full, the release of the Creativeness from
                    within takes place and finds full expression in form. The form is the Living

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