P. 444

                                    THERE IS A SENSE OF SEPARATION*

                                  “My teaching is not my own but his who sent me.”
                                   John 5: 16 (Moffatt)

                           The present is the only time there is, I have often written to you about

                    this, but I know that the great significance of this truth has not fully dawned
                    upon you.
                           Starting from the beginning, all know that there is but “One” God

                    and there is none other beside Him, there is no other “Being,” no other
                    force. There is but one “Being” and this “Being” is our “Being.”
                           It must be so, for it cannot be anything else. If there is but one “Being”

                    then we are that “Being,” therefore that Being must be you and me for there is
                    only “One.”
                           If you are troubled with the past or have fears for the future you are

                    not “Being” now. “Being” exists only in the present, which is the only time
                    there is. You can think only in the present, you cannot think in the past or
                    in the future. You can think about the past or think about the future, but is
                    this not conditioned thinking? For the past and the future can only be in the

                    mind. Pure thinking is creating in the present, not thinking about the past
                    or the future.
                           Some people are always harping upon the, “if it had been this or that,

                    things would be different now.” It is this “if” of the past that is preventing
                    the present from being what it should be in your life.
                           You cannot call the Infinite good in the sense that there is evil. Good
                    and evil cannot exist as opposing each other, they exist as opposites only in

                    the mind.
                           There is no such thing as a negative power which is not of the one
                    All-Originating Power. The negative power does not oppose the All-Originating

                    Power, but is a complement of it just as the North Pole and South Pole are
                    inter-related to one another to create attraction, the one force creates them
                    both. It is the same in the atom, the electron is the product of the proton.

                           Similarly, Life is a higher form of action. All energy is the same mode
                    of manifestation of the “One.” It is always making something and in so
                    doing it may unmake something else. What is known as negative force is the

                    *  See Notes page 447
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