P. 449
June 1954
My dear friends,
Thanks for your many letters received this month. Here are a few
extracts that I know will interest you:
Mrs. J.C.D. writes, “your wonderful help in time of need is too
astonishing. Our son Jim who was seriously injured in a motor accident has
made a marvellous recovery. Words cannot express our gratitude to you and
the Sanctuary. God bless.”
Mrs. M.L. writes, “when my husband was taken to hospital I wrote
to you for help. When he was operated upon the doctor found that he had
cancer in the spleen and pancreas. As there was nothing that could be done
I again communicated with you and now there has been a most astounding
recovery. My husband is completely well and is picking up weight. This has
baffled the doctors who say it is a miracle. God bless you and your work.”
Miss D.B. writes, “how can I ever thank you enough for your help.
When I came up to Johannesburg I could not find employment after several
weeks search. A friend of mine told me how you had helped her and sent in
my name. With the result that I was offered a position of the very kind that
I wanted with good salary and prospects. Enclosed find a contribution to
help your wonderful work on.”
Mr. R.P. writes, “I am sorry that I delayed so long in writing to you
but it was not for lack of appreciation. I feel now that I can write with complete
assurance to tell you that not only have I completely recovered my health
and self-confidence but my whole family life and circumstances have changed.
Our business is on its feet again and doing well and the relationship between
the different members of my family, where there was strife and discord, is
now harmonious and peaceful. We all study the Monthly Letter together
with other friends of ours and wonderful are the results.