P. 451
The Ever-present is Eternal Love. To talk of forgiving is when there
is the injured and injurer. Perfect Love-Life knows none of these for there
is no intention to hurt.
If we were in perfect Love there would be no intention to hurt, would
there? If there is no intention to hurt there is no need for forgiveness. It is
only when you live in separation that this occurs, when you live in the past,
in the future and when you react to effects, living in time.
Individual existence is imperfection! And this individual existence
is worn down through understanding, constant awareness and adjustment.
That is why it is necessary to put aside all theories. Through theories your
mind is always engaged with the external and can never find Reality, only
when the mind is tranquil can Reality be found.
If you are caught-up in right and wrong you can never find Reality
that knows no right nor wrong, knows no past, no future, no separation, no
fear, no birth, no death.
When you are concerned only with the present, the past and the future
are dissolved away, in that perfect Love-Life that is Ever-present, in which
there is no distinction, no high, no low, no friend, no foe, no forgiver or
forgiven, for we are one. This is the great Truth that all seek but cannot find.
I AM THAT I AM is living in the Present and is the secret of happiness
because all that is thine is mine, and all that is mine is thine.
You will see that this cannot be reached through theories, cults,
creeds etc., for they are the epitome of separation. You will also realize that
it matters little whether the self exists or not, for when the “I” realizes the
great I AM then separation no longer exists. With this realization, struggle
ceases as freedom is reached.
So it matters little to you now what appears external to you when the
present is realized, because in the present is everything. Cause and effect are
understood and with this understanding doubt, worry and fear disappear.
The material world is the revelation of the Creative Power. Visible
things are the representation of the invisible, when you understand this you
will understand the cause of the relative world around you and you will no
longer be afraid. For the same Creative Power that formed the Universe is
within all of us, when this is known, we realize, “it is the Father who ever
remains within me is performing His own deeds.”
It is when we react to the external in our ignorance that we create
fear and condition ourselves. We crave, we divide ourselves into groups,