P. 452

JUNE 1954

                    into nationalities. We are caught-up in our antagonism so we create strife,
                    war and misery. Yes, we condition ourselves through our ignorance, we live in
                    the past, in the future, we live in separation, so we fear death.

                           We are inwardly poor so we desire to achieve, so we are afraid. We
                    try to conquer and what we conquer we have to conquer again and again.
                    Fear comes to an end only through understanding.
                           We are afraid of death because we are in the bondage of time. It is

                    because we are dead that we fear death, the Living do not fear death. The
                    dead are burdened with the past, by memory, by time, the Living Present is
                    the Eternal. The self weaves the net of time and thought is caught-up in it.

                           The insufficiency of the self in separation, with its aching emptiness
                    is the cause of fear of death and of life. Is this fear not always with you in
                    your activities, in your pleasures, in your pains? Being dead you seek Life,

                    but Life is not found through the continuity of the self. The self, the maker
                    of time, must yield to the Timeless.
                           If death is a great problem for you it cannot be solved through

                    explanations. You do not transcend fear through the study of explanations,
                    the fear of death does not come to an end through a belief, for belief is within
                    the net of the self. The very noise of the self prevents its dissolution. We
                    consult, analyze, pray, this incessant activity and noise of the self hinders the

                    bliss of the Real. The noise can only produce more noise, and there is no
                           Understanding comes when the whole being is deeply and silently

                    aware, a silent awareness that is not compelled nor induced. In this active
                    stillness the Ever-present is revealed and fear ceases to be. In this tranquillity
                    death is dissolved in Life.
                           To be conscious of the great Ever-present we operate upon the

                    Universal Substance as one with the Creator of all things. This reveals a
                    greater power than any material possessions, external to the self can give.
                    It was through this means that Jesus changed the water into wine and fed

                    the multitude, which the uninitiated think is a fairy tale only fit for children.
                           When the material world appears to the onlooker as the reflection of
                    the Spiritual, the material takes on a greater significance. Where at one time the

                    material conveyed only a substance comprised of atoms, it is now seen as an
                    Intelligence in expression, an Intelligence that is Ever-present and responds in
                    exact proportion in the lives of those who live in the present with the mind

                    freed from past or future.

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