P. 450


                                  “I will speak out what has been hidden since the

                                    Foundation of the world.” Matt. 13: 35 (Moffatt)

                           Experience is related to the past whether it is pleasing or not pleasing,
                    but experience is not creative. That which is of the past is not creative, only

                    in the present are we creative.
                           I am not saying that experience is unnecessary, but to depend on our
                    experiences, on our memories, as a guide is denying the Ever-present

                    Creative Intelligence.
                           Experience through a sense of separation is not the way to true
                    expression. What I call right action is not the result of the past. Right action

                    is an expression of the Ever-present where there is no sense of right or wrong.
                    It is an action that is not the result of the past, the future or the external. It is
                    only when you understand what is the past, the future or the external can

                    right action come. If you do not understand this, your action will arise from
                    your conditioning and not from the Ever-present Intelligence in which there is
                    no memory, no fear, no separation.
                           Spontaneous action is the Intelligence expressing Itself through the

                    individual that is free from effects of the past, free from fear, free from
                    opposites that distort the true expression of the Christ of God in man.
                           If you will understand the man of Galilee you will discern the fact

                    that he only acted from the Ever-present and not from the past nor from
                    memory or fear, for he knew no fear, no separation, because he lived in the
                           You will probably say, as a means of escape, that he was different,

                    but he himself said, “the things I do, greater things shall you do, if you will
                    but believe” (understand). He never acted from effects.
                           The Ever-present is not an effect or a result of something else. You

                    cannot say that the Ever-present is the result of the past because the Ever-
                    present knows no past being Eternal and timeless. It is only when we live
                    in time that there is the past and the future.

                           Living in the Ever-present there is neither the forgiver nor the forgiven
                    for in the Ever-present Love-Life there is neither right nor wrong, it is only
                    in your mind that this exists.

                    *  See Notes page 453
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