P. 455

July 1954

                    My dear friends,

                           In the next few Monthly Letters I am going to answer your letters in

                    a way that all will benefit. I have in the past merely reproduced extracts from
                    letters, now I feel that if I answer them in this way I will be doing more
                    good to all those who write to me.

                           I: Perfect expression is always assured when Love rules, free from
                    possessiveness, envy or hate. This is the wonderful truth, never a word out
                    of place. As we think, so we speak and our words go forth to reproduce their

                    effects. Therefore to express Love we must discern our thought-feeling-reaction
                    at the moment, then we will know what they are and by doing so they will
                    fall away, and Love, which is real will express Itself, therefore not one word
                    will be out of place.

                           II: Abundance is the Law of the Universe, the vast scheme of the
                    Universe is lavish. Wherever we look the process of creating and recreating
                    is ever in operation. We must realize the Universality of all Substance that

                    underlies all things. The Consciousness is the Active Principle which sets
                    cause into motion, thus we are related to all we see, feel and desire.
                           You will notice that the mind is dual, having and not-having, success
                    and failure, likes and dislikes. If your consciousness is caught-up in a mind

                    that is double there can be no Creativeness.
                           III: The first thing to do with a sick person is to make him believe
                    that he will get well. Negative conditions have no power except the power

                    the self gives to them and the self is but a bundle of memories, experiences,
                    wants, desires etc., etc., therefore has a beginning and an ending. But Reality,
                    that which built the body, has no beginning or ending and existed before

                    the body and the self came into being and will exist after all these things
                    dissolve away. Therefore healing comes not from the mind of man but
                    from God Who is Eternal.

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