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meant, which was the Father within us. We create ignorantly in fear and
faith. What we think in fear and think in faith we equally produce because
we live in opposites. So there is continual struggle with opposites.
When we are ignorant of the Truth of our Being we hang on the
pendulum of both fear and faith, we swing backwards and forwards according
to our reactions. But when we know our oneness, our “Being,” we see that
these impostors are but reactions to our feelings—our state of mind. Therefore
we understand the cause of our struggle and our struggle ceases.
Within the Presence (the Life) there is everything, therefore the
“Presence” (the Life) creates by becoming the things It makes. “I am the
Life.” “When you have seen me you have seen the Father.” This is not
merely an idea, but an experience we have when we are “Being” and not
“The greatest amongst you is the Servant of all.” When the Master
said this to his disciples, he had been explaining the law. The Servant was
the Presence that knows all things, and is the Creativeness in man. You
will see that this Creativeness can only come into being when you love
your neighbour as yourself, for the Creativeness of the Presence is in your
neighbour too.
If we condition ourselves by hate, by jealousy, by fear, etc., we will
express our conditioning.
The great Truth should be our experience, as it was with the Master,
“I and the Father are one.” It made him the greatest figure of all time and it
can do the same for us, he told us that the things he did, greater things
would we do if we would but believe (understand).
The transforming power is within all of us. It transforms our think-
ing. Our thoughts are turned into projectiles of Love, our faith moving
mountains. As we discern all that hinders the “Presence” in us we will give
up the struggle. Then the Creative Power of Love will create that which is
acceptable to Him who created us in His own image and likeness, then
you will be the Son of God,—son of man.
John 18: 37, “so you are a King?” said Pilate. “You!” “Certainly,“
said Jesus, “I am a king. This is why I was born, this is why I came into the
world, to bear testimony to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth
listens to my voice.”