P. 462

                                         NOTHINGNESS OF THE SELF*

                                  “The Father said to him My son, you and I are
                                    always together, all I have is yours.” Luke 15: 31

                           Love is dynamic! It is Creative without the necessity of an object. It

                    is immortal, It is Life and Life is Creative and Formless yet all forms are
                    created by It and with It, and there is nowhere where it is not.
                           Life is not divided nor is It in one and not in another, It is in all and It

                    is the same Life. To understand creation we must understand form and
                    through form we arrive at the source of Creation, because we are Creation
                    in form and through form we gain experience to enable us to realize that

                    the Life in form is the same Life that is formless. The Life in the mortal is
                    the same Life, Eternal and immortal.
                           Life and Love are synonymous because Love and Life are one. We

                    can be sentimental over Love, but that is not Love. The idea of loving every-
                    body has very little meaning if you do not know how to love one. The moment
                    there is complete Love, there is complete communion with another. There
                    is no special way to love, there is no pattern to follow. If you follow a pattern

                    then there is no Love.
                           The idea of Cosmic Love, loving mankind while there is antagonism,
                    animosity and separation, is just talk to cover up the lack of Love for another.

                    It is an easy escape for the reformer, for the moralist and the righteous. How
                    can they love humanity when they cannot love another, for is not one the
                           To realize Love-Life It must be stripped of all personal whims, personal

                    viewpoints. You must not be caught-up in the opinion of what It is or what
                    it is not.
                           When you hate, you find hating painful so you say you must love

                    those you hate, thus you create duality, and because you refuse to under-
                    stand the full significance of hate, you pursue its opposite. You want to
                    transform hate into Love. You try to become loving, while you refuse to

                    understand hate. This pursuit of an ideal implies the conflict of opposites,
                    the Idea of something which you are not.
                           You are hateful so you want to become loving which you are not. You

                    hold an ideal of Love yet you are caught-up in hate. When you understand

                    *  See Notes page 465                  461
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