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what you are actually now, your mind cannot be distracted by an ideal. Your
mind must be free and concentrated and not thinking in terms of your
The pursuit of an ideal implies the conflict of opposites, the ideal is
something which you are not. You are hateful and you want to become
that which is your ideal. Your ideal is an example to follow which means
imitation so your ideal is brought about by not understanding. When you
understand, you no longer want an ideal, you no longer want to copy nor
imitate, which is not thinking—understanding but merely a desire to become
an ideal.
In your daily life you are full of ideals which means you are not
thinking—understanding but merely imitating. In your desire to become there
is imitation and therefore there is no thinking, feeling, living—therefore
idealists are the most stupid, thoughtless, brutal and ruthless people. Their
systems are more important than people.
Hitler was said to be an idealist. In yourself you can see the Truth of
this when you pursue an ideal. When you have an ideal of a perfect State
either the Right or the left, you see how ruthless you are bound to be, in
achieving your ideal. The ideal, the example is the authority whether it is
imposed by another or by yourself inwardly, thus there is a cessation of
thinking—understanding, so there is fear.
The greatest ideal you can have is but a limitation. Freedom comes as
your consciousness becomes wider through understanding what is hindering
Reality from expressing Itself. Reality expresses Itself in proportion to your
understanding the false. Then the Life-Love-Reality expresses Itself in Its
Wholeness which is beyond the comprehension of the mind of man.
When man only creates an idea of Love, while still maintaining his
hates, his antagonisms, his greeds and the like he lives in opposites which
is frustration. Our social structure, our education and all our relationships are
based upon imitation. Our judgment, our thought are based upon avoiding
the understanding of what is false.
Look at what is happening in society, corruption, degradation and so on.
Why do we not tackle all this falsehood directly instead of saying that through
an ideal we will become marvellous.
When you understand the false you live dangerously, sailing the
uncharted seas, being very alert and awake all the time. When you are alert