P. 468


                    Controlling your thinking is contraction. One may control ones thoughts,
                    yet remain in limitation and separation. Unless you can discern what your
                    thoughts are and how they arise you only put your freedom further away.

                           Does not most of the Truth literature you read give you instruction
                    on how to make your demonstrations on the physical plane? There is much of
                    this misleading material written and spoken by those who know nothing
                    about themselves. Yet they expound ways and means of how to get things.

                    The advocating of the so-called Spiritual Teaching is a worthless imitation
                    of the Real.
                           Only when you can discern the false from the Real will you free your-

                    selves from that which is deceiving millions through this senseless nonsense.
                           The world is full of these ignorant people who boast of their mani-
                    festation as a proof of the Truth, but let them lose all their possessions and

                    see where they stand. Their foundation is laid upon shifting sands of craving.
                    Then they will tell you that they do not believe in a God any more, they
                    say a God of Love could not do a thing like that to me.

                           Their belief in their outside God destroys the experiencing of Reality. It
                    is most difficult for people to think this way because of their conditioning,
                    and their belief gives them a sense of satisfaction.
                           If they do not find satisfaction in things, in beliefs, they create the

                    super idea of a God. But is their God not a self-made God which they have
                    fabricated in the mind?
                           But if we would really experience the Unknowable which is not of

                    time, we would not cling to a belief which is but a self-projected image.
                           Anything that is named is not Real, it is the outcome of memory, of
                    conditioning, and if it is of time then it is still part of the mind for the mind
                    is the result of the past, of the various influences, religions, social and educa-

                    tional environment.
                           If we understand the conditioning in which we live and the influences
                    in which we are caught-up, that understanding brings about a tranquillity of the

                    mind. Mind is not made still by force, nor can it be made still through control.
                    If your mind could be made still in this way it would be a dead mind.
                           When you try to make your mind still through discipline it may be

                    superficially still but at the same time it is in a state of agitation like a child
                    put in a corner.
                           Only when we understand the whole process of belief, and the

                    search for permanency, when we understand this whole process fully then

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