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all his degrees, titles and possessions there is nothing. When you really
acknowledge that you are nothing you are everything because you know
what Love is.
You want to know how to Love? If your Love is the opposite of hate,
ill-will, it is no longer Love. Then your Love is just an ideal, an imitation,
and the person who imitates cannot know Love.
If you are seeking how to Love, you do not know Love. You do not
want to acknowledge that you lack Love, so you have an ideal to become
loving. You are deceiving yourselves and cheating others. But if you
understand the whole significance of “becoming” it drops away. Then the
feeling of nothingness is not the end, it is the beginning of liberation.
If your Life is filled with fears apprehension and conflict it is because
you want to become something. If you are stupid, cunning, arrogant, a liar,
be aware of it, this is most essential. To acknowledge and live with what you
are is a most difficult thing. But out of that will come real Love because it
sweeps away all hypocrisy
Yes, you may have read many books telling you how to become,
but you are still as far away as ever till you know yourself. If I could blaze
this truth in letters of fire across the heavens I would do so, so important is
the realization of this great Truth. Trying to become is an illusion.
Many who write books on Truth have not yet found the simple Truth
themselves that they are nothing and when you are nothing you are free.
If you love one completely, you will love the Whole because one is
the Whole.
Now, you want to know what will happen when you feel you are
the Whole? Feeling as the Whole comes later. But first you know you are
nothing and you are not concerned with what will come after. If you are
concerned with what is beyond the nothingness of the self it shows that
you are frightened of being nothing.
“Being nothing,” then Life is extraordinarily beautiful. Then you will
“Be” all there is. The mind is afraid of being nothing, that is, having no security.
Yet out of nothingness comes Creativeness, because you are free. Then you
begin to create, then there is Reality, God or whatever you like to call It.
All ideals are tomfoolery and are of no significance to the thoughtful
person. When you set them aside you will find a beautiful and indescribable
Love that is not yours or mine but that which is Eternal and Ever-present
in Its own Eternity.