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                    and awake, you are intelligent, you are not exploited by others, nor do you
                    want to exploit others, you cannot be exploited except you belong to the
                    same club.

                           Reality expresses itself through the mind that is free. The great Truth
                    is the greatest in the smallest and the smallest in the greatest, the drop and the
                    ocean is one and the same. To feel superior you call yourself a name because
                    you feel the sense of inferiority. So you want to become superior. Superiority

                    is the ideal you want to become, so the more you want to become, the
                    greater the conflict, which is thoughtless, is it not?
                           When we do not understand, we feel inferior to something, do we not?

                    We want to ‘become’ because the whole of society is based on becoming
                    something. As long as you are ‘becoming’ you must be inferior, for there is
                    always the you and the other. If you know the self to be a nobody you will

                    understand that ‘becoming’ is an illusion. When you accept that you are
                    nothing it is really wonderful. Then you will know what it means to love.
                    You are Love, you are Life, you are Creative.

                           The reward for this understanding is beyond price and cannot be
                    classified with any effort to ‘become.’ The awareness and mental poise
                    resulting from our understanding is permanently established in us, for
                    nothing in heaven and on earth can deprive us of our birthright. I and the

                    Father are one, through which all is possible to the one who understands
                    the false and dissolves it, then the Real takes its place.
                           Jesus did not want to become something. He said, “I of my own self am

                    nothing, it is the Father who ever remains within me He is performing His
                    own deeds.” Paul never expressed a greater truth when he said, “let the mind
                    be in us that was in Jesus Christ.” But before we can have such a mind we
                    must become humble in knowing that the self is nothing.

                           The fact is that you are nobody. Then why not start from there and face
                    facts directly without trying to become somebody? To face your nothingness
                    means to be humble, and to Love. It means that you have no resistance to

                    anyone, no barrier between you and the other, then there is freedom. In
                    Freedom the Real is.
                           A person who is arrogant can never find humility however hard he may

                    try to become humble. A person who does not recognise his nothingness,
                    but pursues ideas is like a man who, without even knowing how to sow,
                    ploughs and ploughs and never sows. Behind all his knowledge, behind

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