P. 467
September 1954
Thank you, my dear friends, for all the lovely letters received this month.
Now I know that I am doing that which is for the good of the majority.
I: The same Life in the Father is the same Life in the son. The least
you do unto one of these so you have done unto me.
Give Spiritual bread to those who are hungry. Who are you that you
should say, “you have done wrong.” Did Jesus chastise the woman? No,
he said, “go now in peace and sin no more. Thy sins are forgiven thee.”
Whosoever drinketh the water of the fountain of Love shall never thirst
anymore because it is the well of Living Water springing up to Eternal Life.
II: Our freedom comes through understanding ourselves. To merely
say that you are one with God is but an idea in the mind, while you retain
all your prejudices, your hates, which is yourself. Therefore take a look at
yourself, this alone can free you.
You do not create the Real, the Real comes into being when you
understand what you are and when you see what you are, you will not
condemn another. Jesus said, “condemn not lest ye be condemned.”
III: If you do not know the difference between the Real and the false
then you are caught-up in the error.
Remember, you alone create the false, the Real you do not create. It
existed before you were born.
The great Truth is that everything now is complete, we partake daily of
this completion, which most can only partake of a crumb at a time. Remember
you live and move and have your being in Him because being Infinite there is
no outside Him and being Infinite there is nowhere where He is not.
When you know that the self alone is preventing this true expression
your freedom will come and not before.
John 14: 7, “if you knew me you would know my
Father too, you know him now and you have seen
him.” “I and the Father are one.”
Much of the teaching today, in fact most of what you hear and read
place the emphasis on controlling your thoughts. Is this not living in conflict?
* See Notes page 470 466