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political institutions teaching separation, distrust and antagonism. They condemn
Sunday sport but engage in the diabolical sport of fostering antagonisms
and hatreds. How is it possible to have peace when man’s religious life is
saturated with suspicion and superstition?
Matter, we find, is energy solidified in form. Energy is the Intelligence
in action and Consciousness is the Director. Our relation to the Universal
Mind is as ice is to water and water is to steam, therefore there is no separation
anywhere. The invisible is not separated from the visible, the ice is the water as
water is the ice, and water is to steam as steam is to water. With this under-
standing we realize the Truth of what Jesus said, “All power is given unto
me in heaven and on earth.”
When we understand the cause of our limitations, our feeble efforts will
be dropped. Then the consciousness of Life with thought, its messenger,
will be seen clothed in form. It will not be seen as something outside Reality
but in Reality Itself. “When you have seen me you have seen the Father.”
We must think for ourselves and not allow others to do our thinking for
us. But this is what others do not want us to do. As long as you are prevented
from thinking for yourself you will be dominated by others.
The Infinite and His thought are one. In this way the world system is
kept in operation. This is Universal Mind in action, and is the Mind that supplies
the power to our minds when we dissolve our sense of separation. As electricity
supplies the power to the dynamo so does the Universal Mind supply the
power to the mind of man. The switch is the consciousness that is aware.
We are not separated, and in that knowing so does the power act
accordingly in the mind of man, and when we realize this we dispense with
limitation because we know how we have limited ourselves.
Man is created by God, therefore God and man are one, for there is
no outside of God. He could not create anything outside Himself, being
Infinite in Nature.
“Do you now know that you are God’s sanctuary and that the Spirit
of God is His Home in you?” l Cor. 3: 16.
The question that arises is: Can we live without an idea? We can
understand this when we understand what an idea is. Surely you have
learned by now the process of ideas and how they come into being? They
are temporary and changeable and pass away because you know what
they are. It is only that which you “do not know” that is Real and stable,
Eternal and Ever-present.