P. 475
Most people are constantly striving to become virtuous through
discipline, but this is not meditation. They are caught-up in the process
which denies understanding, they struggle with the belief in sin which has
no existence outside themselves. God is not sinful, man alone is caught-up
in his own sin created within himself.
In seeking freedom-self-knowledge we cannot be enclosed by
belief, nor hedged by an organised religion or society. When we see that
self-knowledge is the beginning of meditation the problem becomes extremely
interesting and vital. If there is no self-knowledge we may practise meditation
and still be attached to our ideas, our beliefs, our division, our delusions. True
meditation is a means through which you end these false things, so without
self-knowledge there is no meditation.
True meditation then is self-knowledge by which not only does the
outer layer of the mind become quiet but also the different layers of the
hidden mind are revealed. When this takes place the whole content of the
mind is revealed. So the mind becomes extremely quiet, the mind is not
made quiet, nor is it compelled to be quiet, but there is a Silence that really
comes into being and is not named. But this Silence is not a Christian
silence or a Hindu silence or a Jewish silence. For if you can follow a path,
your mind will never be silent. Therefore if we wish to find Reality we
must abandon our conditioning, our background completely. In this alone
shall we find our true relationship with one another. We will find that there
is only “One” and in that “One” there is all and all is in that “One.”
At present, is not the heart of everyone kept burning with hatreds and
prejudices between one religion and another, between one nation and another,
between one group and another, between one person and another, with the
result that man is caught-up in hatreds and separation through ignorance of
that which is false.
In John l5: 5 (Moffatt) we read what Jesus says, “I am the vine, you
are the branches. He who remains in me, as I in him, bears rich fruit
(because apart from me you can do nothing.)”
Here we see what Jesus meant, only upon the true foundation of the
“One” Life can we bear rich fruit. “I am the true vine,” not only does one
nation hang upon the vine but all branches, all nations, all people, draw
their Life from It. Nothing can exist apart from the one Life, all existence
comes from the one Tree of Life which is our salvation.